首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomedical informatics. >A distributed system for support and explanation of shared decision-making in the prenatal testing domain.

A distributed system for support and explanation of shared decision-making in the prenatal testing domain.


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Medical domains involve numerous tests and treatments, the sheer variety of which confounds both care providers and patients. Many of the decisions depend on the patient's preferences. Shared decision-making, which explicitly involves the patients and their preferences, is therefore imperative, but requires also a sufficient explanatory infrastructure. We introduce a distributed application, PANDEX, that, by using decision-analytic methods, assists patients and care providers to reach optimal decisions. Based on a generic architecture, the PANDEX prototype, which focuses on the domain of genetic prenatal consultation, is designed to calculate the optimal treatment strategy based on the patient's clinical data and preferences. A major focus of our study was on developing several types of in-depth sensitivity and importance analysis methods and on the implementation of the respective graphical tools embedded in the system, to help the patient fully understand the recommended strategy. A preliminary assessment of PANDEX by six genetic consultants demonstrated a relative unwillingness to work with PANDEX (mean=2.16+/-0.98 (SD), on a scale of 1-5), but a tendency to agree with its recommended strategies (mean=3.48+/-1.4) and with its capability to provide insights into the recommended strategies (3.28+/-1.23). PANDEX was considered by the consultants to be a potentially useful tool for patients.
机译:医学领域涉及许多测试和治疗,其种类繁多,使护理人员和患者都感到困惑。许多决定取决于患者的喜好。因此,共享决策必须明确地涉及患者及其偏好,因此势在必行,但也需要足够的说明性基础设施。我们介绍了一种分布式应用程序PANDEX,它通过使用决策分析方法来帮助患者和护理提供者做出最佳决策。 PANDEX原型基于通用架构,专注于遗传学产前咨询领域,旨在根据患者的临床数据和偏好来计算最佳治疗策略。我们研究的主要重点是开发几种类型的深度敏感性和重要性分析方法以及系统中嵌入的各个图形工具的实现,以帮助患者充分理解推荐的策略。六位遗传顾问对PANDEX进行的初步评估表明,相对不愿意使用PANDEX(平均= 2.16 +/- 0.98(SD),等级为1-5),但是倾向于与其推荐的策略相一致(平均= 3.48 +/- 1.4),并具有对推荐策略的见解(3.28 +/- 1.23)。顾问认为PANDEX是对患者潜在的有用工具。



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