首页> 外文期刊>Drug Metabolism and Disposition: The Biological Fate of Chemicals >Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of FTY720 (2-amino-2(2-(-4-octylphenyl)ethyl)propane-1,3-diol hydrochloride) in rats after oral and intravenous doses.

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of FTY720 (2-amino-2(2-(-4-octylphenyl)ethyl)propane-1,3-diol hydrochloride) in rats after oral and intravenous doses.


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FTY720 (2-amino-2[2-(-4-octylphenyl)ethyl]propane-1,3-diol hydrochloride) is a new sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist being developed for multiple sclerosis and prevention of solid organ transplant rejection. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model was developed to predict the concentration of FTY720 in various organs of the body. Single oral and intravenous doses of FTY720 were administered to male Wistar rats, with blood and tissue sampling over 360 h analyzed by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. A well stirred model (perfusion rate-limited) described FTY720 kinetics in heart, lungs, spleen, muscle, kidneys, bone, and liver, with a permeability rate-limited model being required for brain, thymus, and lymph nodes. Tissue-to-blood partition coefficients (RT) ranged from 4.69 (muscle) to 41.4 (lungs). In lymph nodes and spleen, major sites for FTY720-induced changes in sequestration of lymphocytes, RT values were 22.9 and 34.7, respectively. Permeability-surface area products for brain, thymus, and lymph nodes were 39.3, 122, and 176 ml/min. Intrinsic hepatic clearance was 23,145 l/h/kg for the free drug in blood (f(ub) 0.000333); systemic clearance was 0.748 l/h/kg and terminal half-life was 23.4 h. The fraction orally absorbed was 71%. The model characterized well FTY720 disposition for this extensive dosing and tissue collection study in the rat. On scaling the model to dogs and humans, good agreement was found between the actual and predicted blood concentration-time profiles. More importantly, brain concentrations in dogs were well predicted from those of the rat. In absolute terms, the predictions were slightly lower than observed values, just under a 1.5-fold deviation, but the model accurately predicted the terminal elimination of FTY720 from the brain.
机译:FTY720(2-氨基-2 [2-(-4-(辛基苯基)乙基]丙烷-1,3-二醇盐酸盐)是一种新的鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体激动剂,正在开发用于多发性硬化和预防实体器官移植排斥。建立了基于生理学的药代动力学模型来预测FTY720在人体各个器官中的浓度。向雄性Wistar大鼠单次口服和静脉注射FTY720,并在360小时内通过液相色谱/串联质谱分析血液和组织样本。充分搅拌的模型(灌注速率受限)描述了FTY720在心脏,肺,脾脏,肌肉,肾脏,骨骼和肝脏中的动力学,而脑,胸腺和淋巴结则需要渗透速率受限的模型。组织与血液的分配系数(RT)为4.69(肌肉)至41.4(肺)。在淋巴结和脾脏中,FTY720诱导的淋巴细胞螯合变化的主要部位,RT值分别为22.9和34.7。脑,胸腺和淋巴结的通透性表面积乘积为39.3、122和176 ml / min。血液中游离药物的肝内在清除率为23,145 l / h / kg(f(ub)0.000333);全身清除率为0.748 l / h / kg,终末半衰期为23.4 h。口服吸收率为71%。该模型很好地表征了FTY720的处置能力,可用于大鼠的广泛剂量和组织收集研究。在将模型缩放到狗和人类时,在实际和预测的血液浓度-时间曲线之间发现了很好的一致性。更重要的是,从大鼠的脑中可以很好地预测狗的脑中浓度。绝对而言,预测值略低于观测值,偏差仅为1.5倍,但该模型准确地预测了FTY720从大脑中的最终清除。



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