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The Effectiveness of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) and Recommendations for Improvement


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One of the roles of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) is to provide information for health professionals. The objective of this work was to understand the effectiveness of the SmPC document in communicating essential information to prescribers. The process of user testing, widely used to test information for patients, was applied. First, 30 general practitioners were involved in the testing of the SmPC for Lariam, an antimalarial drug. As user testing is an iterative process, 15 points of information in the original SmPC were tested in 3 rounds of 10 participants. The document was revised between rounds according to the results; good practice in information writing and design was used. Next, the SmPC for CellCept, an immunosuppressant, was tested in 20 senior hospital doctors. Again, the document was revised between rounds, according to the results, with revisions also taking account of findings from the Lariam testing related to the general structure of SmPCs. Of the 15 points of information tested, for the original Lariam SmPC, 6 points of information met the target of 90% to find, and 90% of those to understand, whereas for the final version of the CellCept SmPC, I I points of information met this target. Qualitative comments showed that in their current format, SmPCs are of low perceived value to prescribers and are not central to the clinicians' prescribing behavior. Current content and presentation of SmPCs, while meeting regulatory approval standards, contribute little to the safe and effective use of medication in practice. Key recommendations include revising and simplifying the heading structure and making the headings more visible, adding a "Key Information" summary at the start, using simpler language, and adding bullet points for listings.
机译:产品特征摘要(SmPC)的作用之一是为卫生专业人员提供信息。这项工作的目的是了解SmPC文件在向处方者传达基本信息方面的有效性。应用了用户测试过程,该过程被广泛用于测试患者信息。首先,有30名全科医生参与了SmPC的抗疟药Lariam的测试。由于用户测试是一个反复的过程,因此在10名参与者的3轮测试中测试了原始SmPC中的15个信息点。根据结果​​在各轮之间对该文件进行了修订;使用了信息写作和设计的良好实践。接下来,在20位高级医院医生中测试了免疫抑制剂CellCept的SmPC。同样,根据结果在各轮之间对文档进行了修订,修订还考虑了与SmPC总体结构有关的Lariam测试的发现。在测试的15个信息点中,对于原始的Lariam SmPC,有6个信息点满足了90%的发现目标和90%可以理解的目标,而对于CellCept SmPC的最终版本,达到了II个信息点这个目标。定性意见表明,按照目前的格式,SmPC对开药者的价值不高,并且对临床医生的开处方行为并不重要。 SmPC的当前内容和呈现方式,虽然符合监管部门的批准标准,但对实践中安全有效地使用药物几乎没有帮助。关键建议包括修改和简化标题结构并使标题更明显,在开始时添加“关键信息”摘要,使用更简单的语言以及为列表添加项目符号。



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