首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity. >Using Holistic Review to Build a Pharmacist Workforce that Can Achieve Health Equity

Using Holistic Review to Build a Pharmacist Workforce that Can Achieve Health Equity


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As our nation undergoes significant demographic changes, it has become increasingly important for health professions schools to recruit, enroll, and graduate a healthcare workforce that will address the needs of diverse patient populations. Many underserved communities suffer from health disparities fueled by social determinants of health; a more diverse and culturally competent workforce will help to alleviate these inequities. The need for change is urgent, particularly in the field of pharmacy. The National Pharmacist Workforce Study (2009) reported that the racial diversity of the pharmacy workforce has not changed significantly over the past decade (Mott, Doucette, & Gaither, 2004). The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP, 2014) reported that in fall 2013, the number of underrepresented minorities who earned a PharmD degree was 11.9 percent, of whom 6.9 percent were African Americans; 4.3 percent, Hispanics; 0.4 percent, American Indians and Alaska Natives; and 0.3 percent, Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders.
机译:随着我们国家的人口发生重大变化,对于健康专业学校来说,招聘,招募和毕业能够满足不同患者群体需求的医疗保健队伍变得越来越重要。许多服务不足的社区遭受健康方面的社会决定因素推动的健康差距;更加多样化和具有文化能力的员工队伍将有助于减轻这些不平等现象。迫切需要更改,特别是在制药领域。 《国家药剂师劳动力研究》(2009年)报告说,过去十年间,药房劳动力的种族差异并未发生显着变化(Mott,Doucette和Gaither,2004年)。美国药学院协会(AACP,2014)报告称,2013年秋季,获得PharmD学位的人数不足的少数族裔人数为11.9%,其中6.9%为非洲裔美国人。 4.3%,西班牙裔; 0.4%,美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加土著人;和0.3%的夏威夷原住民/其他太平洋岛民。



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