首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Biochemistry >Phase separation of myelin sheath in Triton X-114 solution: Predominant localization of the 21.5-kDa isoform of myelin basic protein in the lipid raft-associated domain

Phase separation of myelin sheath in Triton X-114 solution: Predominant localization of the 21.5-kDa isoform of myelin basic protein in the lipid raft-associated domain

机译:Triton X-114溶液中髓鞘的相分离:髓磷脂相关结构域中髓鞘碱性蛋白的21.5-kDa亚型的主要定位

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Myelin basic protein (MBP) isoforms in the myelin sheath are known to have distinct intracellular expression patterns, which are profoundly related to functional specificity. Determining the differential localization of MBP isoforms is therefore important for understanding their pathophysiological roles. In this study, we have developed a new method for phase separation of myelin. The non-ionic detergent Triton X-114 is used to solubilize myelin sheath which then undergoes phase separation to yield four fractions. The lipid raft-associated proteins and lipids in each fraction were analysed by immunoblotting and lipid analysis, respectively. The present method gives two lipid raft-enriched fractions, one of them was found to contain only lipid raft-associated galactocerebroside and cholesterol as the major lipids. The 21.5-kDa MBP isoforms (21.5 MBP), both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated, were exclusively contained in this fraction. Phosphorylated 21.5 MBP (21.5 pMBP) has been shown to specifically disappear from demyelinated loci. The present analytical method clearly indicated that disappearance of 21.5 pMBP corresponded to demyelination and its reappearance corresponded to prevention of demyelination. Demyelination was also associated with aging and was prevented by the myelin-protecting herbal medicine, Chinpi, a type of dried citrus peel.
机译:众所周知,髓鞘中的髓磷脂碱性蛋白(MBP)亚型具有独特的细胞内表达模式,与功能特异性密切相关。因此,确定MBP亚型的差异化定位对于理解其病理生理作用很重要。在这项研究中,我们开发了一种新的髓磷脂相分离方法。非离子型清洁剂Triton X-114用于溶解髓鞘,然后进行相分离以产生四个馏分。通过免疫印迹和脂质分析分别分析每个部分中与脂质筏相关的蛋白质和脂质。本方法给出了两个富含脂质筏的级分,发现其中之一仅包含与脂质筏相关的半乳糖脑苷和胆固醇作为主要脂质。该级分中仅包含未磷酸化和磷酸化的21.5kDa MBP亚型(21.5 MBP)。磷酸化的21.5 MBP(21.5 pMBP)已显示从脱髓鞘基因座中特异性消失。本分析方法清楚地表明,21.5 pMBP的消失与脱髓鞘相对应,其重新出现与脱髓鞘的预防相对应。脱髓鞘也与衰老有关,并通过保护髓鞘的草药Chinpi(一种干燥的柑橘皮)来预防。



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