首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied mathematics >CSR Impact on Hospital Duopoly with Price and Quality Competition

CSR Impact on Hospital Duopoly with Price and Quality Competition


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This paper investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on hospital duopoly with price and quality competition. A CSR hospital is defined in this paper that cares about not only the profit but also the patient benefit. We start our analysis by establishing a two-stage Hotelling model with and without CSR. Results indicate that privatization mechanism may not be the best way of improving medical quality.Competition between hospitalswith zero-CSRwould lower the equilibriumqualities compared to the first-best level. So the coexistence of a public (more accurately, partial public) and a private hospital might be more efficient than a private-private hospital duopoly.During the competitionwith CSR in price and quality, socialwelfare level acts in accordance with an inverted U-shaped trajectory as CSR degree increases.Themain reason lies in tha fact that optimal degree of CSR is determined by the trade-off between the benefit of quality improvement and the cost of quality investment. Numerical simulation shows that the optimal degree of CSR is less than a third.



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