首页> 外文期刊>The journal of asthma >Primary care visits for asthma monitoring over time and association with acute asthma visits for urban Medicaid-insured children

Primary care visits for asthma monitoring over time and association with acute asthma visits for urban Medicaid-insured children


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Objectives: To examine the association between numbers of primary care provider (PCP) visits for asthma monitoring (AM) over time and acute asthma visits in the emergency department (ED) and at the PCP for Medicaid-insured children. Methods: We prospectively enrolled 2-10 years old children during ED asthma visits. We audited hospital and PCP records for each subject for three consecutive years. We excluded subjects also receiving care from asthma subspecialists. PCP AM visits were those with documentation that suggested discussion of asthma management but no acute asthma symptoms or findings. PCP "Acute Asthma" visits were those with documentation of acute asthma symptoms or findings, regardless of treatment. ED asthma visits were those with documented asthma treatment. Generalized liner models were used to analyze the association between numbers of AM visits and acute asthma visits to the ED and PCP. Results: One hundred three subjects were analyzed. Over the 3 years, the mean number of AM visits/child was 2.5±2.3 (standard deviation), range 0-10. Only 50% of subjects had at least 1 PCP visit with an asthma controller medication documented. The mean number of ED asthma visits/child was 3.2±2.8; range 1-18. The mean number of PCP Acute Asthma visits/child was 0.7±1.6; range 0-11. Increasing AM visits was associated with more ED visits (estimate 0.088; 95% CI 0.001, 0.174), and more PCP Acute Asthma visits (estimate 0.297; 95% CI 0.166, 0.429). Increasing PCP visits for any diagnosis was not associated with ED visits (estimate 0.021; 95% CI -0.018, 0.06). Conclusions: Asthma monitoring visits and documented controller medication for these urban Medicaid-insured children occurred infrequently over 3 years, and having more asthma monitoring visits was not associated with fewer ED or PCP acute asthma visits.
机译:目的:调查一段时间内用于哮喘监测(AM)的基层医疗服务提供者(PCP)访问次数与急诊科(ED)和接受医疗补助的儿童在PCP中的急性哮喘访问之间的关系。方法:我们前瞻性地招募了2-10岁的ED哮喘患者。我们连续三年对每个主题的医院和PCP记录进行了审核。我们排除了也接受哮喘专科医生治疗的受试者。 PCP AM访视的患者文献中有讨论哮喘治疗的讨论,但没有急性哮喘症状或发现。 PCP“急性哮喘”就诊者有急性哮喘症状或发现的文献证明,无论治疗如何。 ED哮喘就诊者有哮喘治疗记录。广义班轮模型用于分析AM访视次数与ED和PCP的急性哮喘访视之间的关联。结果:对103名受试者进行了分析。在过去3年中,AM /儿童平均访问次数为2.5±2.3(标准差),范围为0-10。只有50%的受试者进行了至少1次PCP随访,并记录了哮喘控制药物。 ED哮喘/儿童平均访视次数为3.2±2.8;范围1-18。 PCP急性哮喘/儿童平均访问次数为0.7±1.6;范围为0-11。 AM访视次数增加与ED访视次数增多(估计为0.088; 95%CI 0.001,0.174)和PCP急性哮喘访视次数增加(估计0.297; 95%CI 0.166,0.429)有关。对于任何诊断,增加PCP访视与ED访视无关(估计为0.021; 95%CI -0.018,0.06)。结论:这些城市医疗补助的儿童在3年内很少进行哮喘监测访视并记录有控制药物的使用,并且哮喘监测访视次数增加与ED或PCP急性哮喘访视次数减少无关。



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