首页> 外文期刊>The journal of asthma >Blowing the whistle: what do African American adolescents with asthma and their caregivers understand by 'wheeze?'.

Blowing the whistle: what do African American adolescents with asthma and their caregivers understand by 'wheeze?'.


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AIMS: To investigate what African American adolescents with asthma and their caregivers understand by "wheeze". METHODS: Caregivers (n = 35) and adolescents (n = 35) were each asked to describe what they understood by "wheeze". Respondents were also shown a video clip of an adolescent wheezing and asked: a) to describe the breathing of the adolescent in the video; and, b) whether the adolescent respondent's breathing had ever been similar to the video-presented symptoms. RESULTS: Most caregivers described wheeze in terms of sound alone (61.8%) while the majority of adolescents described wheeze as something that is felt (55.8%). Few caregivers and adolescents (5.8% each) included "whistling" in their descriptions of "wheeze". Most caregivers and adolescents used the word wheeze and one-third of the adolescents felt that the adolescent's breathing was never similar to the video. CONCLUSION: Caregiver and adolescents descriptions of wheeze are different from each other and both may be different from clinical definitions of the term. Study findings have implications for the ways in which questions about "wheeze" are framed and interpreted.
机译:目的:调查非裔美国青少年哮喘及其护理人员对“喘息”的理解。方法:分别要求照顾者(n = 35)和青少年(n = 35)描述他们对“喘息”的理解。还向受访者展示了青少年喘息的视频剪辑,并要求:a)在视频中描述青少年的呼吸; b)青少年受访者的呼吸是否曾经与视频所呈现的症状相似。结果:大多数看护者仅以声音描述喘息(61.8%),而大多数青少年将喘息描述为感觉到的东西(55.8%)。很少有看护者和青少年(每人5.8%)在对“喘息”的描述中包含“吹口哨”。大多数护理人员和青少年使用“喘息”一词,三分之一的青少年感到青少年的呼吸与视频从未相似。结论:照顾者和青少年对喘息的描述互不相同,并且可能与该术语的临床定义不同。研究发现对“喘息”问题的构成和解释方式有影响。



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