首页> 外文期刊>Journal of behavioral education >Increasing the Rigor of Procedural Fidelity Assessment: An Empirical Comparison of Direct Observation and Permanent Product Review Methods

Increasing the Rigor of Procedural Fidelity Assessment: An Empirical Comparison of Direct Observation and Permanent Product Review Methods


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Although it is widely accepted that procedural fidelity data are important for making valid decisions about intervention effectiveness, there is little empirical guidance for researchers and practitioners regarding how to assess procedural fidelity. A first step in moving procedural fidelity assessment research forward is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the relation between currently recommended assessment methods, systematic direct observation (SDO) and permanent product review (PPR). To this end, we first discuss methodological issues related to procedural fidelity assessment via SDO and PPR, and how they are evidenced in the behavioral intervention outcome literature. Second, we present a single-case design study in which teachers' implementation of behavior support plans was assessed via SDO and PPR. Third, we analyze the SDO and PPR data with regard to (a) relation between the methods; (b) methodological issues including definitions of procedural fidelity and intervention steps, representativeness of intervention steps, and collection of an adequate sample; and (c) association with student outcomes. Finally, we discuss implications for research and practice.
机译:尽管程序保真度数据对于做出有关干预效果的有效决定很重要,这一点已被广泛接受,但对于研究人员和从业者,如何评估程序保真度的经验指导很少。推进程序逼真度评估研究的第一步是,全面了解当前推荐的评估方法,系统直接观察(SDO)和永久产品审查(PPR)之间的关系。为此,我们首先讨论与通过SDO和PPR进行程序保真度评估有关的方法论问题,以及如何在行为干预结果文献中对其进行证明。其次,我们提出了一个单案例设计研究,其中通过SDO和PPR评估了教师对行为支持计划的实施情况。第三,我们针对以下方面分析SDO和PPR数据:(a)方法之间的关系; (b)方法学问题,包括程序保真度和干预步骤的定义,干预步骤的代表性以及收集足够的样本; (c)与学生成绩的关联。最后,我们讨论对研究和实践的意义。



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