首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics >Intellectual capital management in agricultural research efforts and the role of smartcard applications in enabling knowledge exchange

Intellectual capital management in agricultural research efforts and the role of smartcard applications in enabling knowledge exchange


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Modern agriculture requires an innovative capacity which exceeds the individual research scientist, farmer, industrialist or consultant. In order to flourish, agriculture needs to utilise the vast wealth of information that is available to decision makers to improve productivity, efficiency and progress. Research teams could reach their goals faster if a convergence of information flow were available to them and to external parties applying previous years' research outcomes. This challenge has long being posed in the pharmaceutical's industry where intellectual property is the pivot point around which business is driven. It is also increasingly apparent in management consulting fn-ms where prior learning experiences of research teams are assigned a value in attempting to resolve new problems and tackling new projects.



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