首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biological inorganic chemistry: JBIC: a publication of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry >Mossbauer, EPR, and MCD studies of the C9S and C42S variants of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin and MCD studies of the wild-type protein

Mossbauer, EPR, and MCD studies of the C9S and C42S variants of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin and MCD studies of the wild-type protein


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Rubredoxins contain a mononuclear iron tetrahedrally coordinated by four cysteinyl sulfurs. We have studied the wild-type protein from Clostridium pasteurianum and two mutated forms, C9S and C42S, in the oxidized and reduced states, with Mossbauer, integer-spin EPR, and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopies. The Mossbauer spectra of the ferric C42S and C9S mutant forms yielded zero-field splittings, D = 1.2 cm~(-1), that are about 40% smaller than the D-value of the wild-type protein. The ~(57)Fe hyperfine coupling constants were found to be ca. 8% larger than those of the wild-type proteins. The present study also revealed that the ferric wild-type protein has δ = 0.24 ± 0.01 mm/s at 4.2 K rather than δ = 0.32 mm/s as reported in the literature. The Mossbauer spectra of both dithionite-reduced mutant proteins revealed the presence of two ferrous forms, A and B. These forms have isomer shifts δ = 0.79 mm/s at 4.2 K, consistent with tetrahedral Fe~(2+)(Cys)_3(O-R) coordination. The zero-field splittings of the two forms differ substantially; we found D = -7 ± 1 cm~(-1), E/D = 0.09 for form A and D = +6.2 ± 1.3 cm~(-1), E/D = 0.15 for form B. Form B. Form A exhibits a well-defined integer-spin EPR signal; from studies at X- and Q-band we obtained g_z = 2.08 ± 0.01, which is the first measured g-value for any ferrous rubredoxin. It is known from X-ray crystallographic studies that ferric C42S rubredoxin is coordinated by a serine oxygen. We achieved 75% reduction of C 42S rubredoxin by irradiating an oxidized sample at 77 K with synchrotron X-rays; the radiolytic reduction produced exclusively form A, suggesting that this form represents a serine-bound Fe~(2+) site. Studies in different buffers in the pH 6-9 range showed that the A : B ratios, but not the spectral parameters of A and B, are buffer dependent, but no systematic variation of the ratio of the two forms with pH was observed. The presence of glycerol (30-50% v/v) was found to favor the B form. Previous absorption and circular dichroism studies of reduced wild-type rubredoxin have suggested d-d bands at 7400, 6000, and 3700 cm~(-1). Our low-temperature MCD measurements place the two high-energy transitions at ca. 590 and 6300 cm~(-1); a third d-d transition, if present, must occur with energy lower than 3300 cm~(-1). The mutant proteins have d-d transitions at slightly lower energy, namely 5730, 6100 cm~(-1) in form A and 5350, 6380 cm~(-1 in form B.
机译:Rubredoxins含有一个由四个半胱氨酰硫配位的单核铁。我们已经研究了巴氏梭菌的野生型蛋白和两种突变形式的C9S和C42S,处于氧化态和还原态,并具有Mossbauer,整数自旋EPR和磁性圆二色性(MCD)光谱学。铁的C42S和C9S突变体形式的莫斯鲍尔光谱产生零场分裂,D = 1.2 cm〜(-1),比野生型蛋白质的D值小约40%。发现〜(57)Fe超细偶合常数约为。比野生型蛋白质大8%。本研究还表明,铁野生型蛋白在4.2 K时的δ= 0.24±0.01 mm / s,而不是文献中报道的δ= 0.32 mm / s。连二亚硫酸盐还原的两种突变蛋白的Mossbauer光谱显示存在两种亚铁形式A和B。这些形式在4.2 K时具有异构体位移δ= 0.79 mm / s,与四面体Fe〜(2 +)(Cys)_3一致(OR)协调。两种形式的零场分裂有很大不同。我们发现D = -7±1 cm〜(-1),对于A型,E / D = 0.09,D = +6.2±1.3 cm〜(-1),对于B型,E / D = 0.15。 A表现出良好的整数自旋EPR信号;从X波段和Q波段的研究中,我们得出g_z = 2.08±0.01,这是任何铁氧还蛋白的首次测量g值。从X射线晶体学研究得知,三价铁C42S红氧还蛋白由丝氨酸氧配位。通过用同步加速器X射线在77 K下辐照氧化的样品,可将C 42S氧化还原还蛋白还原75%。辐射还原仅产生形式A,表明该形式代表丝氨酸结合的Fe〜(2+)位点。在pH 6-9范围内的不同缓冲液中进行的研究表明,A:B的比例与缓冲液有关,但与A和B的光谱参数无关,但未观察到两种形式的比例随pH的系统变化。发现甘油的存在(30-50%v / v)有利于B形式。以前对还原型野生型氧化还原酶的吸收和圆二色性研究表明,d-d波段分别为7400、6000和3700 cm〜(-1)。我们的低温MCD测量结果将两个高能跃迁的温度大约为590和6300 cm〜(-1);如果存在,则必须以低于3300 cm〜(-1)的能量发生第三个d-d跃迁。突变蛋白具有较低能量的d-d跃迁,即A型的5730、6100 cm〜(-1)和B型的5350、6380 cm〜(-1)。



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