首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Ichthyology >Differences in reproductive strategies between obscure puffer Takifugu obscurus and ocellated puffer Takifugu ocellatus during their spawning migration

Differences in reproductive strategies between obscure puffer Takifugu obscurus and ocellated puffer Takifugu ocellatus during their spawning migration

机译:隐匿性河豚Takifugu ocellatus和有卵的河豚Takifugu ocellatus在产卵过程中生殖策略的差异

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Reproductive strategies were compared between obscure puffer Takifugu obscurus and ocellated puffer Takifugu ocellatus captured in waters near Yangzhong Island in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during the spawning migration season from February to June in two consecutive years (1995 and 1996). Results showed that obscure puffer and ocellated puffer have adopted different reproductive strategies, including different spawning times, different size at maturity, and different number and size of oocytes, resulting in two different larval sizes. In detail, the timing of the spawning migration and status of gonad development of obscure puffer was about 1 month earlier than that of ocellated puffer; the obscure puffer was obviously longer and heavier than ocellated puffer in both mature male and female fish; mean GSI of obscure puffer females (15.8%) was significantly higher than that of ocellated puffer females (14.6%); the average diameter of ocellated puffer eggs (1.49 pl 0.12 mm) was significantly larger than that of the obscure puffer (1.22 pl 0.08 mm); and obscure puffer females (320.8 oocytes mgp# somatic wet weight) had significantly higher relative fecundity than ocellated puffer females (125.2 oocytes mgp# somatic wet weight). These differences in reproductive strategies between two closely related species of the Takifugu genus indicate that both obscure puffer and ocellated puffer fit the r/K dichotomy. Obscure puffer shows K-selected characters with maturity at relatively large size and r-selected characters with relatively many and small offspring, whereas ocellated puffer shows r-selected characters with maturity at a relatively small size and K-selected characters with relatively few and large offspring.
机译:在连续两年(1995年和1996年)2月至6月的产卵移徙季节期间,对长江下游扬中岛附近水域捕获的暗淡河豚Takifugu ocellatus和带眼河豚Takifugu ocellatus的繁殖策略进行了比较。结果表明,隐蔽的河豚和有孔的河豚采用了不同的繁殖策略,包括不同的产卵时间,成熟时的大小以及卵母细胞的数量和大小,从而导致两种不同的幼体大小。详细地讲,隐匿性河豚的产卵迁移时间和性腺发育状态比有卵的河豚早了约1个月。在成年雄鱼和雌鱼中,隐蔽的河豚明显长于重头河豚。隐匿性河豚女性的平均GSI(15.8%)明显高于单眼河豚女性的GSI(14.6%);有孔的河豚卵的平均直径(1.49 pl 0.12 mm)比不明显的河豚的平均直径(1.22 pl 0.08 mm)大得多;和模糊的河豚雌性(320.8个卵母细胞体细胞湿重)的相对繁殖力明显高于单眼的河豚雌性(125.2个卵母细胞体细胞湿重)。 Takifugu属的两个密切相关物种之间在繁殖策略上的这些差异表明,隐晦的河豚和带眼的河豚都适合r / K二分法。模糊的河豚显示K选择的字符具有较大的成熟度,而r选择的字符具有相对较大的后代,而卵形河豚显示的R选择的字符具有相对较小的大小的成熟度,而K选择的字符具有相对较小的大小和较大的成熟度。后代。



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