首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Basic Microbiology: An International Journal on Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, and Ecology of Microorganisms >Antifungal, insecticidal, and plant growth promoting potential of Streptomyces hydrogenans DH16

Antifungal, insecticidal, and plant growth promoting potential of Streptomyces hydrogenans DH16


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In the present study, an actinobacterium strain, possessing antagonistic activity against different fungal phytopathogens viz. Colletotrichum acutatum, Cladosporium herbarum, Alternaria brassicicola, Exserohilum sp., Alternaria mali, Colletotrichum gleospoiroides, Alternaria alternata, Cercospora sp., Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi and Fusarium moniliformae, was isolated from soil and identified as Streptomyces hydrogenans DH16. Application of culture supernatant (5%)/cells (10(7) cfu ml(-1)), 2 h post inoculation with A. brassicicola (10(5) spores ml(-1)), resulted in 85.95 and 93.75% suppression of black leaf spot of Raphanus sativus, respectively on detached leaves. Whereas cells/culture supernatant (above 5%) completely suppressed the disease incidence when co inoculated with fungal pathogen. The crude extract containing antifungal components was completely stable at 70 degrees C for 1 h retaining 90 and 67.67% activity after boiling (for 1 h) and autoclaving (121 degrees C for 30 min), respectively. No loss in activity was observed when treated with proteinase K and on exposure to sun and UV light and found to be active over a wide range of pH (2 to 14). Bioautography of the solvent extract against test phytopathogens revealed the presence of three active components. Ethyl acetate extract of DH16 also demonstrated insecticidal activity against Spodoptera litura, causing 40% larval mortality and extension of larval period. In addition, it produced 30 mu g ml(-1) of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) in a medium containing tryptophan which promoted lateral root formation in Vigna radiata (green gram). These results indicate that Streptomyces hydrogenans holds the potential to be used as antifungal, insecticidal, and plant growth promoting agent.
机译:在本研究中,放线菌菌株具有对不同真菌植物病原菌的拮抗活性。炭疽菌炭疽菌,苜蓿黑孢菌,铜链格孢菌,Exserohilum sp。,马来链霉菌,Colletotrichum gleospoiroides,链格孢菌,Cercospora sp。,尖孢镰刀菌f.sp.从土壤中分离出石竹和镰刀菌,并将其鉴定为氢链霉菌DH16。接种A. brasiciicicola(10(5)孢子ml(-1))后2小时,应用培养上清液(5%)/细胞(10(7)cfu ml(-1)),结果分别为85.95和93.75%抑制萝卜离体叶片上黑斑病。当与真菌病原体共同接种时,细胞/培养上清液(5%以上)完全抑制了疾病的发生。含有抗真菌成分的粗提物在70摄氏度下完全稳定1小时,煮沸(1小时)和高压灭菌(121摄氏度30分钟)后分别保持90和67.67%的活性。当用蛋白酶K处理以及暴露在阳光和紫外线下时,未观察到活性降低,并且发现在宽范围的pH值(2至14)中均具有活性。针对测试植物病原体的溶剂提取物的生物自显影表明,存在三种活性成分。 DH16的乙酸乙酯提取物还显示出对斜纹夜蛾的杀虫活性,导致40%的幼虫死亡率和幼虫期延长。此外,它在含有色氨酸的培养基中产生了30μg ml(-1)的吲哚乙酸(IAA),该色氨酸可促进Vi豆的侧根形成(绿色克)。这些结果表明,氢链霉菌具有用作抗真菌,杀虫和植物生长促进剂的潜力。



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