
Foaming characteristics control during production of aluminum alloy foam


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In recent years, there is a high demand for the development of light-weight metals foams. In this paper, the factors which affect the foaming in a foamed aluminum casting process were investigated. The powdered titanium hydride as a foaming agent was added to the molten aluminum alloy in the amount of 0.5 to 2.5 percent to adjust a proper amount of the foaming agent, and foaming condition was controlled in the temperature range, from 893 to 933 K, to determine the optimum foaming process to obtain a homogeneous aluminum foam. It was found that a properly controlled holding temperature and titanium hydride content of the melt were good for the acquirement of foamed aluminum which contains uniform cell structure of high porosity. The optimum foamed aluminum with air bubbles of 2 to 6 mm diameter and the uniform distribution with 86 percent porosity was obtained by the addition of 1.0 percent titanium hydride at 913 K.
机译:近年来,对开发轻质金属泡沫的需求很高。本文研究了影响发泡铝铸造过程中发泡的因素。将作为发泡剂的氢化钛粉末以0.5%至2.5%的量添加到熔融铝合金中,以调节适当的发泡剂的量,并将发泡条件控制在893至933 K的温度范围内。确定最佳发泡工艺以获得均匀的铝泡沫。已经发现,适当控制熔体的保持温度和氢化钛含量对于获得包含高孔隙率均匀泡孔结构的泡沫铝是有利的。通过在913 K下添加1.0%的氢化钛,可获得直径为2至6 mm的气泡,孔隙率为86%的均匀分布的最佳泡沫铝。



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