首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Algorithms >Efficient algorithms for finding the maximum number of disjoint paths in grids

Efficient algorithms for finding the maximum number of disjoint paths in grids


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In a rectangular grid, given two sets of nodes, L (sources) and T (sinks), of size N/2 each, the disjoint paths (DP) problem is to connect as many nodes in L to the nodes in T using a set of "disjoint" paths. (Both edge-disjoint and vertex-disjoint cases are considered in this paper.) Note that in this DP problem, a node in L can be connected to any node in T. Although in general the sizes of L and T do not have to be the same, algorithms presented in this paper can also find the maximum number of disjoint paths pairing nodes in L and T. We use the network flow approach to solve this DP problem. By exploiting all the properties of the network, such as planarity and regularity of a grid, integral flow, and unit capacity source/sink/flow, we can optimally compress the size of the working grid (to be defined) from O(N-2) to O(N-1.5) and solve the problem in O(N-2.5) time for both the edge-disjoint and vertex-disjoint cases, an improvement over the straightforward approach which takes O(N-3) time. (C) 2000 Academic Press. [References: 24]
机译:在矩形网格中,给定两组节点,每个节点的大小为N / 2,L(源)和T(接收器),不相交路径(DP)问题是使用A将L中的多个节点连接到T中的节点。一组“不相交”的路径。 (在本文中考虑了边不相交和顶点不相交的情况。)请注意,在此DP问题中,L中的节点可以连接到T中的任何节点。尽管通常L和T的大小不必同样,本文提出的算法也可以找到L和T中不相交路径配对节点的最大数目。我们使用网络流方法来解决此DP问题。通过利用网络的所有属性,例如网格的平面性和规则性,积分流以及单位容量源/汇/流,我们可以从O(N- 2)到O(N-1.5)并解决边不相交和顶点不相交的情况下O(N-2.5)时间的问题,这是对花费O(N-3)时间的简单方法的改进。 (C)2000学术出版社。 [参考:24]



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