首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Silver lining: Evidence for Inka silver refining in northern Chile

Silver lining: Evidence for Inka silver refining in northern Chile


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Prehistoric silver purification using lead cupellation has been documented in multiple places throughout the Andes, but direct evidence of the Inka use of this technology has remained elusive. In this study, we use X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis to document direct evidence of Inka period (AD 1400-1532) silver purification using lead cupellation in the Tarapacá Valley of northern Chile. Local metalworkers used wind-driven huayra furnaces to produce pure lead metal, sustaining temperatures of ca. 900-1100°C to smelt lead-bearing ores that may have included galena. The lead metal was then used in open-vessel cupellation of silver-bearing ores, some of which may have been cupriferous and derived from the nearby Inka mines at Huantajaya. Phase analyses of the slagged interiors of bowl-shaped ceramic vessels used for cupellation indicate that the metalworkers maintained the oxidizing environment and temperatures between 800 and 1100°C requisite for cupellation. We argue that the Inka introduced this technique to Tarapacá metalworkers. The absence of finished silver artifacts in local valley contexts suggests that the refined silver was removed from the valley for use elsewhere in the empire.
机译:在整个安第斯山脉的许多地方都记载了使用铅杯状的史前银提纯技术,但是印加人使用这项技术的直接证据仍然难以捉摸。在这项研究中,我们使用X射线荧光,扫描电子显微镜和电子探针分析来记录在智利北部Tarapacá谷地使用铅杯状提纯印加时期(AD 1400-1532)银的直接证据。当地的金属工人使用风力化的华伊拉炉来生产纯铅金属,并维持在约200摄氏度的温度下。 900-1100°C熔化可能包含方铅矿的含铅矿石。然后,该铅金属被用于含银矿石的开式容器炮击中,其中一些可能是铜矿,来自附近的万塔贾亚的印加矿。对用于杯状冲煮的碗形陶瓷器皿的凹入内部的相分析表明,金属加工者保持了杯状冲煮所需的氧化环境和800至1100°C的温度。我们认为印加(Inka)向塔拉帕卡(Tarapacá)的金属工人介绍了这项技术。在当地山谷环境中没有成品银制品,这表明精制银已从山谷中移出,供帝国其他地方使用。



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