首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Stable isotopic analysis of human and animal diets from two pre-Aksumite/Proto-Aksumite archaeological sites in northern Ethiopia

Stable isotopic analysis of human and animal diets from two pre-Aksumite/Proto-Aksumite archaeological sites in northern Ethiopia


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Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis was undertaken on well-preserved human and animal skeletal remainsfrom two sites in northern Ethiopia, both of which span the pre-Aksumite and Proto-Aksumite periods.The human remains constitute one individual collected at the site of Etchmare East which was directlyradiocarbon dated to 2290 ± 50 BR. In addition 28 animal bone samples were excavated from the nearby siteof Mezber, occupied from 2960 ± 60 to 1980 ± 50 BP. These results are consistent with those obtained inpalaeoethnobotanical studies, which suggest that some members of pre/Proto-Aksumite society in theHorn of Africa had a diet that favoured the consumption of Near Eastern domesticates over indigenous crops.
机译:对埃塞俄比亚北部两个地点保存完好的人类和动物骨骼遗骸进行了碳和氮同位素分析,这两个遗骸都跨越了假祖先时期和原始假祖先时期。直接是放射性碳,日期为2290±50 BR。此外,从附近的梅兹伯(Mezber)地点挖出了28个动物骨骼样本,占2960±60至1980±50 BP。这些结果与在古人类植物学研究中获得的结果一致,这些研究表明,非洲之角的一些先祖/原始-假想社会成员的饮食偏爱食用近东家畜而不是本地农作物。



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