首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Preliminary geochemical assessment of limestone resources and stone use at Maya sites in the Three Rivers Region, Belize

Preliminary geochemical assessment of limestone resources and stone use at Maya sites in the Three Rivers Region, Belize


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The carbonate bedrock of northwestern Belize is poorly understood from the standpoint of both geochemistry and the use of stone in prehispanic Maya sites for buildings and monuments. The friable nature of the rock in this topographically rugged area makes it especially difficult to distinguish monuments from bedrock spall, as little carving, if any, survives, and identification rests on location and positioning. The research presented here analyzed 63 limestone samples collected from two sites in the Three Rivers Region of Belize. ICP-MS and ICP-AES were used to characterize the major, minor, and trace element chemistry of the limestone bedrock of the region and determine the amount of geochemical variability. Another important objective was attempting to trace the movement of monument stone and determining whether it was imported from outside of the sites. Bedrock, quarries, and possible monuments were all sampled for these purposes. Bedrock proved to be similar across wide areas. However, at Chawak But'o'ob, along the flank of the Rio Bravo, changes downslope in Mg concentration suggest a leaching of the bedrock by meteoric waters based on differences in porosity. At Maax Na, a hilltop site, in contrast, such leaching is not as apparent. Many monuments at both sites were found to be composed of stone similar in chemistry to the local bedrock, including several of the identifiable stelae. However, our analyses also revealed that a few monuments at Maax Na were made of material with a different chemical composition, apparently from stone imported to the site. These results suggest that the Maya deliberately selected certain types of limestone for certain purposes, and may even have traded in non-local rock. Overall, the methods used in this pilot study indicate there is real potential in more intensive, regional assessments of the materials used at archaeological sites, even in areas where the local stone does not have a distinctive geochemical signature.
机译:从地球化学和在西班牙前玛雅人的建筑物和纪念碑遗址中使用石材的角度,都很难理解伯利兹西北部的碳酸盐基岩。在这个地形崎area不平的地区,岩石的易碎性质使将纪念碑与基岩剥落区分开来特别困难,因为几乎没有雕刻(如果有的话)能够幸存,并且识别取决于位置和位置。此处进行的研究分析了从伯利兹三河地区两个地点采集的63个石灰石样品。 ICP-MS和ICP-AES用于表征该地区石灰岩基岩的主要,次要和微量元素化学特征,并确定地球化学变化量。另一个重要目标是试图追踪纪念碑石的运动,并确定它是否是从遗址外部进口的。为此,对基岩,采石场和可能的古迹进行了采样。事实证明,基岩在各个区域都相似。然而,在Chawak But'o'ob,沿着Rio Bravo的侧面,Mg浓度的下降坡度表明,基于孔隙度的差异,陨石水浸出了基岩。相反,在山顶站点Maax Na上,这种浸出并不那么明显。在这两个地点的许多古迹都被发现是由化学性质类似于当地基岩的石头组成,包括一些可识别的碑石。但是,我们的分析还显示,Maax Na的一些纪念碑由化学成分不同的材料制成,显然是从进口到该地点的石头制成的。这些结果表明,玛雅人出于某些目的故意选择了某些类型的石灰石,甚至可能在非本地岩石中进行了交易。总体而言,该初步研究中使用的方法表明,即使在当地石材没有明显地球化学特征的地区,对考古现场使用的材料进行更深入的区域评估也具有真正的潜力。



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