首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Stable isotope analysis and variation in medieval domestic pig husbandry practices in northwest Europe: absence of evidence for a purely herbivorous diet

Stable isotope analysis and variation in medieval domestic pig husbandry practices in northwest Europe: absence of evidence for a purely herbivorous diet


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Stable isotope ratios have been widely used to infer past diets, domestication and husbandry practices of pigs, but few studies have addressed the proper baselines for such inferences. We analysed the diet of pig Sus scrofa from stable isotope analysis of carbon (δ~(13)C) and nitrogen (δ~(15)N) values of collagen from, urban Bergen, Norway (1300-1400AD). These were compared with values from Skipshelleren (5500BC-200AD); and from other medieval sites in NW Europe. Results indicated that the pigs from Bergen ate a very high proportion of marine protein compared to pigs and wild boar from Skipshelleren who ate a diet primarily of plant material. Results from other medieval sites in NW Europe show considerable variation in δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N values, indicating large variations in diet. However, none of the values are consistent with a diet wholly dominated by plant material; and therefore pig husbandry through outspan herding (pannage) without supplementary feeding. We question interpretations to the contrary, which neglect the role of known differences in dietary fractionation between species in producing δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N values of tissue. Data from domestic pigs of ancient breeds undoubtedly raised by outspan herding/pannage are so far unavailable and would be instructive.
机译:稳定的同位素比已被广泛用于推断猪的日粮,驯化和饲养方式,但是很少有研究针对这种推断提供适当的基准。我们通过对挪威卑尔根市区(1300-1400AD)胶原蛋白的碳(δ〜(13)C)和氮(δ〜(15)N)值进行稳定同位素分析,分析了猪Sus scrofa的饮食。将这些与来自Skipshelleren(5500BC-200AD)的值进行比较;以及来自欧洲西北部的其他中世纪遗址。结果表明,与主要吃植物性食物的Skipshelleren的猪和野猪相比,卑尔根的猪吃的海洋蛋白比例很高。欧洲西北部其他中世纪遗址的结果显示δ〜(13)C和δ〜(15)N值存在较大差异,表明饮食存在较大差异。但是,没有一个值与完全以植物材料为主导的饮食相一致。因此,在不进行补充喂养的情况下,通过大范围放牧(pan)进行养猪业。我们质疑相反的解释,这些解释忽略了已知的物种之间的饮食分级差异在产生组织的δ〜(13)C和δ〜(15)N值中的作用。迄今为止,迄今为止尚无来自过度放牧//杀的古老品种家猪的数据,这将是有益的。



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