首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Direct radiocarbon (AMS) dating of split-based points from the (Proto)Aurignacian of Trou de la Mere Clochette, Northeastern France. Implications for the characterization of the Aurignacian and the timing of technical innovations in Europe

Direct radiocarbon (AMS) dating of split-based points from the (Proto)Aurignacian of Trou de la Mere Clochette, Northeastern France. Implications for the characterization of the Aurignacian and the timing of technical innovations in Europe

机译:来自法国东北部Trou de la Mere Clochette的(原始)奥里尼亚纪的分裂基点的直接放射性碳(AMS)年代。对奥里尼亚克人的表征和欧洲技术创新的时机的影响

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Radiocarbon (AMS) dates on two split-based point wings and a hominin molar from the site of Trou de la Mere Clochette in the French Jura are presented in this paper. Dating split-based points has very rarely been undertaken. This is unfortunate given that these artefacts are critical to our definition and characterization of Early Upper Palaeolithic technocomplexes, as they are considered to be the type fossil of the Classic Aurignacian. Although the molar proved to be Neolithic in age (4341 +/- 33 C-14 BP), the split-based points date to the Aurignacian and are, in fact, the oldest dates so far on directly dated shaped Aurignacian organic points from Europe (33 750 +/- 350 C-14 BP and 35 460 +/- 250 C-14 BP). Furthermore, what is particularly interesting about this site is that its lithic industry has strong affinities with the Protoaurignacian, rather than with the Classic Aurignacian, the latter being the industry with which split-based points have usually been associated. Located in Northeastern France, at the intersection of the Danube and Rhone corridors and very close to the Swabian Jura, this site, its Protoaurignacian lithic industry and these new dates are particularly relevant to a number of current discussions. Among these are the timing of key technical innovations and the characterization of, and chronological relationship between, various Early Upper Palaeolithic industries. Our paper presents these new results and discusses their implications in this wider context.
机译:本文介绍了在两个基于裂片的点翼上的放射性碳(AMS),以及来自法国汝拉州Trou de la Mere Clochette遗址的人磨牙。基于分割点的约会很少进行。考虑到这些文物对我们早期上古石器时代的技术复合体的定义和表征至关重要,因为这些文物被认为是经典奥里尼亚克纪的化石。尽管该臼齿在年龄上被证明是新石器时代的(4341 +/- 33 C-14 BP),但基于裂痕的点可追溯到奥里尼亚克人,并且实际上是迄今为止最古老的来自欧洲的直接定型奥里尼亚克有机点(33750 +/- 350 C-14 BP和35460 +/- 250 C-14 BP)。此外,此站点特别有趣的是,其石器行业与原始奥里尼亚克人(而不是经典奥里尼亚克人)具有很强的相似性,后者是通常与基于拆分的点相关联的行业。该站点位于法国东北部,在多瑙河和罗纳河走廊的交汇处,非常靠近Swabian Jura,它的原始欧亚原石石器时代的工业以及这些新日期与当前的许多讨论特别相关。其中包括关键技术创新的时机,早期上古旧石器时代工业的特征和它们之间的年代关系。我们的论文介绍了这些新结果,并讨论了它们在更广泛的背景下的含义。



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