首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Geophysics >Characterization of volcanic materials using ground penetrating radar: A case study at Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain)

Characterization of volcanic materials using ground penetrating radar: A case study at Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain)


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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a useful geophysical technique that can be used to characterize the nature, geometry and spatial distribution of subsurface volcanic materials, being these valuable data to complete field observations in those areas where information obtained from the surface is restricted. We have analyzed the GPR response in several volcanic materials (massive and heterogeneous lava flows, pahoehoe and aa lava flows, airfall deposits and a dyke) occurring in the Teide volcano and the Las Cahadas edifice (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), in order to recognize their occurrence and characterize their thickness, spatial distribution, internal structures and discontinuities, as well as to evaluate the mean velocities of the electromagnetic waves in these rocks and deposits. The obtained GPR profiles show that, depending on the nature of the materials, the geometry of the reflectors is distinctive. The GPR reflectors of airfall pumice are thin, well-layered and laterally continuous. In contrast, different lava flows, as well as dykes, originate a different radar response. When alternating massive and scoriaceous beds in lava flows are present, the reflectors are characterized by an undulate and laterally discontinuous geometry. Regarding the pahoehoe lava flows, their radar signature is defined by well defined reflectors. The aa lava flows exhibit weak reflectors. Massive and homogeneous lava flows and dykes are resolved as massive structures with scarce or absent internal reflections. The mean velocity of the electromagnetic waves through the different deposits ranges from 0.07 to 0.12 in ns(-1). As a general approximation, the velocity of the electromagnetic waves is faster in lava flows that in airfall deposits, where attenuation is greater and penetration depth is lower. The estimation of the propagation velocity for the electromagnetic waves has allowed us to process the profiles and to carry out depth-time conversions and migration, in order to get more realistic 2-D representations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:探地雷达(GPR)是一种有用的地球物理技术,可用于表征地下火山物质的性质,几何形状和空间分布,这些有价值的数据可用于完成从地表获得信息受限的那些区域的野外观测。我们已经按顺序分析了泰德火山和拉斯卡哈达斯大厦(特内里费岛,加那利群岛,西班牙)中发生的几种火山岩物质(大量和非均质的熔岩流,pa和熔岩流,空降沉积物和堤坝)中的GPR响应。识别它们的发生并表征它们的厚度,空间分布,内部结构和不连续性,并评估这些岩石和沉积物中电磁波的平均速度。所获得的GPR曲线表明,根据材料的性质,反射器的几何形状是独特的。空降浮石的GPR反射器很薄,分层良好且横向连续。相反,不同的熔岩流以及堤坝会产生不同的雷达响应。当熔岩流中存在交替的块状和针状床时,反射器的特征是波状和横向不连续的几何形状。关于the气熔岩流,其雷达特征由定义明确的反射器确定。 aa熔岩流显示出较弱的反射器。大量均匀的熔岩流和堤坝被解析为内部结构缺乏或缺乏反射的大型结构。通过不同沉积物的电磁波的平均速度范围为ns(-1),范围为0.07至0.12。一般而言,熔岩流中电磁波的速度要比降落沉积物中的电磁波速度要快,降落沉积物的衰减较大,而穿透深度较低。电磁波传播速度的估算使我们能够处理剖面并进行深度-时间转换和迁移,以便获得更逼真的二维表示。 (c)2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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