首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied physiology >Effect of chronic unloading and rehabilitation on human Achilles tendon properties: a velocity-encoded phase-contrast MRI study.

Effect of chronic unloading and rehabilitation on human Achilles tendon properties: a velocity-encoded phase-contrast MRI study.


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The objective of this study was to measure and monitor changes in Achilles tendon mechanical properties and force production capability of triceps surae muscles after 4 wk of limb suspension and 6 wk of physical rehabilitation. Five healthy volunteers underwent unilateral lower limb suspension followed by weekly physiotherapy. A velocity-encoded, phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (VE-PC-MRI) technique was used to estimate the tendon strain as a function of force produced during the submaximal isometric contractions. After limb suspension, triceps surae muscle strength decreased to 53.2 +/- 15.6% (mean +/- SD) of the presuspension level (P < 0.05). Young's modulus, estimated from the slope of the tendon stress-strain relationship, decreased by 17.1% (from 140.50 +/- 29.33 to 119.95 +/- 36.07 MPa, P < 0.05), while the tendon transition point, reflecting the "toe region," increased by 55.7% (from 2.2 +/- 1.0% to 3.4 +/- 1.24%). Muscle strength, tendon stiffness, and transition point recovered to presuspension levels by the end of 6 wk of rehabilitation. Calcaneus movement was significant during the "isometric" contraction, accounting for 52.13 +/- 7.63% of the tendon displacement. Tendon cross-sectional area determined from anatomic magnetic resonance axial images remained unchanged, suggesting that the altered tendon elastic modulus and transition point were largely due to material deterioration. The increase in the transition point following chronic unloading as measured by the VE-PC-MRI technique has not been previously reported and offers new insights into the biomechanical changes that may occur in the tendon crimp structure.
机译:这项研究的目的是在四周肢体悬吊和六周肢体康复后,测量和监测跟腱机械性能的变化和腓肠肌肱三头肌的力量产生能力。五名健康​​志愿者接受单侧下肢悬吊,然后每周进行理疗。使用速度编码的相衬磁共振成像(VE-PC-MRI)技术来估计肌腱应变,该肌腱应变是在次最大等距收缩过程中产生的力的函数。肢体悬吊后,肱三头肌腓肠肌的肌力降至悬架前水平的53.2 +/- 15.6%(平均+/- SD)(P <0.05)。由腱应力-应变关系的斜率估算的杨氏模量下降了17.1%(从140.50 +/- 29.33 MPa降至119.95 +/- 36.07 MPa,P <0.05),而腱转变点反映了“趾部区域”增加了55.7%(从2.2 +/- 1.0%增至3.4 +/- 1.24%)。康复6周结束时,肌肉力量,肌腱刚度和过渡点恢复到悬挂前水平。跟骨运动在“等距”收缩过程中很明显,占肌腱位移的52.13 +/- 7.63%。由解剖磁共振轴向图像确定的肌腱横截面积保持不变,表明改变的肌腱弹性模量和转变点主要是由于材料变质。 VE-PC-MRI技术测量的慢性卸载后转变点的增加尚未见报道,它为腱卷曲结构中可能发生的生物力学变化提供了新的见解。



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