首页> 外文期刊>Journal of anxiety disorders >Achieving certainty about the structure of intolerance of uncertainty in a treatment-seeking sample with anxiety and depression.

Achieving certainty about the structure of intolerance of uncertainty in a treatment-seeking sample with anxiety and depression.


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Evidence is accumulating that intolerance of uncertainty (IU) may be a transdiagnostic maintaining factor across the anxiety disorders and depression. However, psychometric studies of the most commonly used measure of IU have typically used undergraduate students, and the factor structure has been highly inconsistent. Previous studies have also tended to focus on one diagnostic subgroup or related symptom, thereby limiting transdiagnostic comparisons. The first aim of this study was to test the latent structure of a commonly used measure of IU in a treatment-seeking sample with anxiety and depression (n=463). The second aim was to examine psychometric properties of the best fitting solution, including internal reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare the goodness of fit of five models previously found with undergraduate and community samples. A two-factor solution, comprising of prospective anxiety and inhibitory anxiety, was the best fitting model. The total scale and subscales demonstrated excellent internal reliability. Convergent validity was demonstrated by the scales correlating with symptoms associated with five anxiety disorders and depression, as well as neuroticism, distress and disability. IU explained unique variance in all symptom measures, even after controlling for neuroticism and other symptom measures. Evidence of discriminant validity was also found for each IU subscale. Findings support reliability and validity of the two-factor solution, and are consistent with IU being a transdiagnostic maintaining factor.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,不确定性(IU)的不耐受可能是整个焦虑症和抑郁症的转诊维持因素。但是,最常用的IU量度的心理测量研究通常使用的是本科生,并且其因子结构高度不一致。先前的研究也倾向于集中于一个诊断亚组或相关症状,从而限制了转诊比较。这项研究的第一个目的是测试焦虑和抑郁症(n = 463)寻求治疗的样本中常用的IU量度的潜在结构。第二个目的是检查最佳拟合解决方案的心理测量特性,包括内部可靠性,收敛效度和判别效度。验证性因素分析被用来比较以前与大学生和社区样本发现的五个模型的拟合优度。最好的拟合模型是由前瞻性焦虑和抑制性焦虑组成的两因素解决方案。总秤和子秤显示出出色的内部可靠性。量表与与五种焦虑症和抑郁症以及神经质,困扰和残疾相关的症状相关的量表证明了聚合效度。 IU解释了所有症状指标的独特差异,即使在控制了神经质和其他症状指标之后也是如此。还发现每个IU分量表的判别有效性的证据。这些发现支持了两因素解决方案的可靠性和有效性,并且与IU是一种可诊断的维持因素相一致。



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