首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Aquaculture >Economic and risk analysis of tilapia production in Kenya.

Economic and risk analysis of tilapia production in Kenya.


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Commercial production of tilapia in Kenya has potential for expansion, but growth and development of the tilapia industry in Kenya will depend upon its profitability and the effect of associated risks. Data from pond experiments, on-farm trials, and farm surveys were used to develop enterprise budgets and a risk analysis for nine production scenarios. The nine scenarios include: 1) monoculture of sex-reversed male tilapia fed either rice bran, a pelleted experimental diet, or a pelleted pig finisher diet; 2) clarias monoculture fed with each of the three diets; and 3) tilapia-clarias (sex-reversed male fingerlings) polyculture fed with each of the three diets. Net returns/ha were highest for production with the pig finisher diet, with clarias in monoculture the highest followed by tilapia in monoculture and then the polyculture system. The lowest net returns/ha were obtained with clarias fed rice bran. Profitability was affected by feed cost and tilapia survival. Tilapia monoculture systems had lower probabilities of financial losses than either clarias monoculture or the polyculture system. Use of the pelleted diets also resulted in lower probabilities of financial losses. Lower yields from the rice bran feed scenario resulted in its greater sensitivity to fluctuating costs of rice bran and survival of tilapia.
机译:肯尼亚罗非鱼的商业化生产具有扩大的潜力,但肯尼亚罗非鱼产业的增长和发展将取决于其罗非鱼的盈利能力和相关风险的影响。来自池塘实验,农场试验和农场调查的数据被用于制定企业预算和九种生产情景的风险分析。这九种情况包括:1)用米糠,颗粒状实验性饮食或颗粒状猪育肥性饮食喂养的性反转雄性罗非鱼的单种养殖; 2)三种饮食中的每一种均以单一的科里亚尔养殖为食; 3)用三种饮食中的每一种喂养的罗非鱼-clarias(性别反转的雄鱼种)混养。猪育肥日粮的净收益/公顷最高,单一养殖的枝条含量最高,其次是罗非鱼,然后是混养系统。用麸皮饲喂米糠可获得最低的每公顷净收益。利润受饲料成本和罗非鱼存活率的影响。罗非鱼单养系统的经济损失几率低于鞭cl单养或混养系统。使用颗粒状饮食还可以降低经济损失的可能性。米糠饲料方案的单产较低,导致其对米糠价格波动和罗非鱼成活的敏感性更高。



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