首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Entomology >Control of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in greenhouse tomato crops using the mating disruption technique.

Control of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in greenhouse tomato crops using the mating disruption technique.


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The effectiveness of mating disruption to control the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in greenhouse tomato crops was evaluated in four trials carried out in winter-spring and summer-winter growing seasons in Southwestern Sardinia (Italy). Pheromone dispensers loaded with 60 mg of the natural blend of the major and minor sex pheromone component (rate 90:10) were applied in disrupted greenhouses at a rate of 1000/ha (60 g of active ingredient/ha). Male captures in monitoring pheromone traps, percentage of tomato plants infested by T. absoluta and damage on leaves and fruits were monitored weekly and compared in disrupted and untreated (control) greenhouses. In greenhouses disrupted with 1000dispensers/ha, a reduction of 93-97% in male trap captures was observed, compared with control. Leaf damage was significantly lower in greenhouses disrupted with 1000dispensers/ha than in control ones, with a reduction of infestation throughout the growing season ranging from 57% to 85%. Pheromone dispensers applied at the density of 1000/ha significantly reduced the percentage of damaged fruits by 62-89%. In control greenhouses, the highest damage on leaves and fruits was generally observed in edge plants, while leaf and fruit infestation was uniformly distributed in pheromone-treated greenhouses, indicating an even distribution of the pheromone cloud inside the greenhouse. Mating disruption showed to be an efficient strategy to control in greenhouse the tomato leafminer and can be included in the overall tomato integrated pest management programs.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0418.2012.01735.x
机译:在西南撒丁岛(意大利)的冬春季和夏季冬季生长季节进行的四项试验中,评估了在温室番茄作物中交配破坏对控制番茄切叶者Tuta absoluta(Meyrick)(鳞翅目:Gelechiidae)的有效性。将装有60 mg主要和次要性信息素成分的天然混合物(比例为90:10)的信息素分配器以1000 /公顷(60 g活性成分/公顷)的比例施用到破裂的温室中。每周监测雄激素在信息素诱捕器中的捕获,番茄被T. absoluta侵染的百分比以及对叶片和果实的损害,并在破坏和未处理(对照)的温室中进行比较。与对照相比,在被1000个分配器/公顷破坏的温室中,雄性陷阱捕获量减少了93-97%。在用1000个分配器/公顷破坏的温室中,叶片的伤害显着低于对照,在整个生长季节中,侵害的减少范围从57%至85%。以1000 /公顷的密度施用信息素分配器可将受损水果的百分比显着降低62-89%。在对照温室中,通常在边缘植物中观察到对叶片和果实的损害最高,而在用信息素处理的温室中叶片和果实的侵染均匀分布,表明信息素云在温室内均匀分布。交配破坏被证明是控制温室番茄切叶机的一种有效策略,可以纳入整体番茄综合害虫管理计划中。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0418.2012.01735 。X



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