首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Crystallography >Sagittal focusing of high-energy synchrotron X-rays with asymmetric Laue crystals. I. Theoretical considertions

Sagittal focusing of high-energy synchrotron X-rays with asymmetric Laue crystals. I. Theoretical considertions


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The ability of asymmetric Laue crystals to focus X-rays sagittally is demonstrated. The extent of such focusing is similar to that of sagittal focusing by a Bragg crystal, except for a factor related to the asymmetry angle. The anticlastic bending facilitates the use of inverse-Cauchois geometry in the meridional plane to provide better energy resolution and to increase the photon flux by an order of magnitude compared with traditional sagittal focusing with Bragg crystals. Furthermore, for sagittal focusing at X-ray energies above 30 keV, a Laue crystal is preferred to a Bragg crystal because the length of the beam's footprint on a Laue crystal, unlike on a Bragg crystal, is a small and insensitive to energy. The conditions imposed on the asymmetry angle of the Laue crystal to achieve simultaneous sagittal focusing and inverse-Cauchois geometry in the meridional plane are derived for both single-crystal and double-crystal fixed-exit sagittally focusing monochromators. [References: 23]
机译:证明了不对称Laue晶体矢状聚焦X射线的能力。除了与不对称角有关的因素外,这种聚焦的程度与布拉格晶体的矢状聚焦的程度相似。与传统的布拉格晶体矢状聚焦相比,抗弹性弯曲有利于在子午面中使用倒Cauchois几何形状,以提供更好的能量分辨率并将光子通量增加一个数量级。此外,对于在高于30 keV的X射线能量下进行矢状聚焦时,Laue晶体比Bragg晶体更为可取,因为与Bragg晶体不同,Laue晶体上的光束足迹很小且对能量不敏感。对于单晶体和双晶体固定出口矢状聚焦单色仪,都推导了在Laue晶体的不对称角上实现同时矢状聚焦和子午面逆Cauchois几何形状的条件。 [参考:23]



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