首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Mechanisms of protein precipitation for two tannins, pentagalloyl glucose and epicatechin(16) (4 -> 8) catechin (procyanidin)

Mechanisms of protein precipitation for two tannins, pentagalloyl glucose and epicatechin(16) (4 -> 8) catechin (procyanidin)

机译:两种单宁,五氢戊基葡萄糖和表儿茶素的蛋白质沉淀机理(16)(4-> 8)儿茶素(原花青素)

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The precipitates that form when purified pentagalloylglucose or a purified procyanidin [epicatechin(16) (4-->8) catechin; EC16-C] are mixed with bovine serum albumin were quantitatively analyzed. EC16-C isa more efficient protein precipitating agent than pentagalloylglucose on a molar or a mass basis. EC16-C precipitates protein independently of temperature and presence of organic solvent. Precipitation by pentagalloylglucose increases as temperature is increased and decreases when alcohols are present. When tannin is in excess, up to 40 mol of pentagalloylglucose is bound per male of protein precipitated, but only 20 mol of EC16-C is bound per mole of protein precipitated. The data support different models of precipitation for the two types of tannin: pentagalloylglucose, which is very nonpolar, precipitates by forming a hydrophobic coat around the protein, whereas the much more polar EC16-C forms hydrogen-bonded cross-limbs between protein molecules. [References: 42]
机译:当纯化的五烷基铝葡萄糖或纯化的原花青素[表皮儿茶酚(16)(4-> 8)儿茶素; EC16-C]与牛血清白蛋白混合后进行定量分析。在摩尔或质量基础上,EC16-C是一种比五甲基戊酰葡萄糖更有效的蛋白质沉淀剂。 EC16-C沉淀蛋白质与温度和有机溶剂的存在无关。随着温度的升高,戊五烷基葡萄糖的沉淀增加,而当存在醇时,五烷基铝基葡萄糖的沉淀减少。单宁过多时,每个雄性沉淀的蛋白质最多可结合40摩尔戊五烷基葡萄糖,但每摩尔沉淀的蛋白质仅可结合20摩尔EC16-C。数据为两种类型的单宁提供了不同的沉淀模型:非常非极性的五烷基戊糖通过在蛋白质周围形成疏水涂层而沉淀,而极性更大的EC16-C在蛋白质分子之间形成氢键交叉分支。 [参考:42]



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