首页> 外文期刊>Journal of aging studies >Liminal homes: Older people, loss of capacities, and the present future of living spaces

Liminal homes: Older people, loss of capacities, and the present future of living spaces


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There are many studies that have examined the meaning of home for older people. In this article, our aim is to add the concept of 'liminal homes' to the existing discussion: While the concept of liminal homes can be applied to a number of 'interim spaces', we focus in our study, on those older people who have to consider, or are concretely confronted with, the need to move into another living space, because of declining health. Based on interviews and photo-elicitation with 26 older lower-income seniors living in Montreal, Quebec, this article demonstrates the complexity of liminality and analyzes the dynamics of this process, composed of a web of interrelated and often dichotomous elements. These include the idealized home in contrast to (sometimes imagined) institutions; declining health as opposed to the ideals of active aging and third age; and the widely promoted concept of aging in place versus the reality of being 'stuck in place' due to limited resources. The strategies employed by these older Quebeckers to remain in this state and resist a move to another living space, are the often arduous construction of a 'patchwork of care'. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:有许多研究检查了老年人的住房意义。在本文中,我们的目的是在现有讨论中添加“限制住所”的概念:虽然可以将限制住所的概念应用于许多“临时空间”,但我们的研究重点是那些由于健康状况下降,必须考虑或具体面临搬入另一个生活空间的需求。基于对居住在魁北克蒙特利尔的26位年长的低收入老年人的访谈和照片启发,本文展示了限制的复杂性并分析了这一过程的动态过程,该过程由相互关联且经常二分的元素组成。这些包括与(有时想像的)制度形成对比的理想化住房;与主动衰老和第三年龄的理想相反,健康下降;以及广泛推广的就地老化概念与由于资源有限而被“坚持”的现实。这些年长的魁北克人采取的维持现状并抵制迁徙到另一个居住空间的策略,是“照料拼凑”的经常艰巨的建设。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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