首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Education >An Exploration of Graduate Student Satisfaction withAdvising in Departments of Agricultural Education,Leadership, Communications, and Extension

An Exploration of Graduate Student Satisfaction withAdvising in Departments of Agricultural Education,Leadership, Communications, and Extension


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Graduate students depend on their advisors to assist them in accomplishing their career goals andambitions. According to the mentoring–empowered model, as proposed by Selke and Wong (1993), theroles that an advisor plays are: teacher, encourager, role model, counselor, and sponsor–socializer. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the satisfaction of graduate students in a department ofagricultural education, leadership, communications, and extension with their advisors in terms ofcommunication, trust, openness, acceptance, and growth as illustrated in Selke and Wong (1993). Thefollowing research objectives were derived from the mentoring constructs found in the mentoring–empowered model (Selke & Wong, 1993). Overall agricultural education graduate students (N = 274)are satisfied with their advisor. Agricultural education graduate advisors are knowledgeable in the areas
机译:研究生依靠顾问来帮助他们实现职业目标和抱负。根据Selke和Wong(1993)提出的以辅导为主导的模型,顾问所扮演的角色是:教师,鼓励者,榜样,顾问和赞助者—社交者。这项研究的目的是确定农业教育,领导,交流和推广系的研究生对他们的顾问的交流,信任,开放,接受和成长的满意度,如Selke and Wong(1993)所示。以下的研究目标是从指导授权模型(Selke&Wong,1993)中发现的指导构架中得出的。总体农业教育研究生(N = 274)对其顾问感到满意。农业教育研究生顾问在该领域知识渊博



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