首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Cancer Research >Suppression of occurrence and advancement of beta-catenin-accumulated crypts, possible premalignant lesions of colon cancer, by selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, celecoxib.

Suppression of occurrence and advancement of beta-catenin-accumulated crypts, possible premalignant lesions of colon cancer, by selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, celecoxib.


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Suppression of occurrence and advancement of premalignant lesions is important for cancer prevention. Our previous studies clarified that beta-catenin-accumulated crypts, independent of aberrant crypt foci (ACF), are probably direct precursors of colon cancers in rats. Here we investigated the effects of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, celecoxib, on the development of beta-catenin-accumulated crypts in comparison with those on ACF. Male F344 rats were divided into 4 groups. Groups 1 - 3 were administered azoxymethane (AOM) s.c. at a dose of 15 mg / kg body weight, once weekly for 3 weeks to induce beta-catenin-accumulated crypts. Groups 2 and 3 also received experimental diet containing celecoxib (500 and 1500 ppm, respectively) for 8 weeks, starting a week before the first dosing of AOM. At termination, the frequency and crypt multiplicity (number of crypts / lesion) of beta-catenin-accumulated crypts of groups 2 and 3 were significantly less than that of group 1. Furthermore, numbers of silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) / nucleus in beta-catenin-accumulated crypts were also decreased by exposure to celecoxib. In this study, celecoxib had greater effects on the frequency and growth of beta-catenin-accumulated crypts than on those of ACF. These findings represent additional evidence that beta-catenin-accumulated crypts are premalignant lesions of colon cancer. The results also suggest that beta-catenin-accumulated crypts could be a novel target for evaluation of possible chemopreventive agents against colon carcino-genesis, and indicate that possible chemopreventive effects of celecoxib on the initial stage of colon carcinogenesis may be related to modulation of cell proliferation activity in such early lesions.
机译:抑制癌前病变的发生和发展对于预防癌症很重要。我们以前的研究表明,β-catenin积累的隐窝独立于异常隐窝灶(ACF),可能是大鼠结肠癌的直接前体。在这里,我们研究了选择性环氧合酶2抑制剂塞来昔布与ACF相比对β-catenin积累的隐窝发展的影响。将雄性F344大鼠分为4组。第1-3组以s.c.剂量为15 mg / kg体重,每周一次,持续3周,以诱导β-catenin积累的隐窝。第2组和第3组还接受了含有塞来昔布(分别为500和1500 ppm)的实验性饮食,为期8周,从首次给药AOM前一周开始。在终止时,第2组和第3组的β-catenin累积隐窝的频率和隐窝多样性(隐窝数目/病变)显着小于第1组。此外,银染的核仁组织区(AgNORs)/通过暴露于塞来昔布,β-catenin积累的隐窝中的细胞核也减少了。在这项研究中,塞来昔布对β-catenin积累隐窝的频率和生长的影响大于对ACF的影响。这些发现代表了其他证据,表明β-catenin积累的隐窝是结肠癌的癌前病变。结果还表明,β-catenin积累的隐窝可能是评估可能的化学预防剂对结肠癌发生的新靶标,并表明塞来昔布对结肠癌发生初期的可能的化学预防作用可能与细胞的调节有关在这种早期病变中具有增殖活性。



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