首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Effects of vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease virus on reproductive performance of Bos indicus beef cows

Effects of vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease virus on reproductive performance of Bos indicus beef cows


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This study compared reproductive performance of Bos indicus cows vaccinated against the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus before timed AI or during early pregnancy (Exp. 1), as well as rectal temperature (RT) and plasma concentrations of the acute-phase protein haptoglobin in cattle vaccinated or not against the FMD virus (Exp. 2). Cattle utilized in Exp. 1 and 2 originated from herds with no historical occurrences of FMD and that received vaccination against the FMD virus biannually. In Exp. 1, 604 lactating, multiparous, nonpregnant Nelore cows were randomly assigned on d -31 of the experiment to receive 1) vaccination against the FMD virus on d >= 31 (VACPRE; n = 291) and 2) vaccination against FMD virus on d 30 (VACGEST; n = 313). From d -11 to 0, all cows were assigned to an estrus synchronization + timed AI (d 0) protocol. Pregnancy status to AI was verified on d 30 and 90 via transrectal ultrasonography. A treatment x day interaction was detected (P < 0.01) for pregnancy rates to AI, which were similar (P = 0.17) between VACPRE and VACGEST on d 30 (61.8% vs. 56.2%, respectively; SEM = 2.8) but greater (P < 0.01) for VACPRE on d 90 (59.4% vs. 46.9%, respectively; SEM = 2.8). Pregnancy loss from d 30 to 90 was greater (P < 0.01) in VACGEST compared with VACPRE (16.5% vs. 3.9%, respectively; SEM = 2.2). In Exp. 2, 40 pregnant Nelore females (20 nulliparous and 20 multiparous cows; BCS = 4.73 +/- 0.12) were ranked by parity and assigned to receive (VAC; n = 20) or not receive (NOVAC; n = 20) vaccination against the FMD virus. Blood samples were collected and RT was recorded before (h 0) and 24, 72, 120, and 168 h after treatment administration. Treatment x day interactions were detected (P < 0.01) for RT and plasma haptoglobin. The RT was greater (P < 0.01) in VAC compared with NOVAC at 24 h after treatment administration and was similar (P = 0.31) between treatments at all other sampling hours. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was similar (P = 0.98) between VAC and NOVAC before treatment administration (P = 0.48) and greater (P < 0.01) in VAC at 24, 72, 120, and 168 h after treatment administration. In summary, vaccinating B. indicus beef cows against the FMD virus resulted in a 4-fold increase in pregnancy loss when the vaccine was administered 30 d after timed AI compared with 31 d before timed AI. These outcomes can be associated with inflammatory and acute-phase reactions elicited by the FMD vaccine, which are known to impair pregnancy maintenance in cattle.
机译:这项研究比较了定时AI或早孕期(实验1)接种口蹄疫(FMD)疫苗的印度dic牛的生殖性能,以及急性期的直肠温度(RT)和血浆浓度接种或未接种FMD病毒的牛中的第一阶段蛋白触珠蛋白(实验2)。牛用于实验。 1和2来自没有FMD历史发生的牛群,并且每半年接受一次FMD疫苗接种。在实验中在实验的第-31天,将1,604头泌乳,多胎,未怀孕的Nelore奶牛随机分配,以接受1)在d> = 31时接种FMD病毒的疫苗(VACPRE; n = 291)和2)在d时接种FMD病毒的疫苗30(VACGEST; n = 313)。从d -11到0,所有母牛被分配到发情同步+定时AI(d 0)协议。在第30和90天通过经直肠超声检查确认AI的怀孕状态。在第30天的VACPRE和VACGEST之间,检测到AI的怀孕率与治疗的x天交互作用(P <0.01),相似(P = 0.17)(分别为61.8%和56.2%; SEM = 2.8),但更高(第90天VACPRE的P <0.01)(分别为59.4%和46.9%; SEM = 2.8)。与VACPRE相比,VACGEST中从d 30到90的孕妇流失率更大(P <0.01)(分别为16.5%和3.9%; SEM = 2.2)。在实验中2,40名怀孕的Nelore雌性雌性(20头未产和20头多胎牛; BCS = 4.73 +/- 0.12)按胎次进行排名,并分别接受(VAC; n = 20)或不接受(NOVAC; n = 20)的预防接种口蹄疫病毒。收集血样并在治疗前(h 0)和治疗后24、72、120和168 h记录RT。检测RT和血浆触珠蛋白的治疗x天相互作用(P <0.01)。施用治疗后24 h,与NOVAC相比,VAC的RT更大(P <0.01),并且在所有其他采样时间的治疗之间相似(P = 0.31)。 VAC和NOVAC在治疗前的血浆触珠蛋白浓度相似(P = 0.98)(P = 0.48),在治疗后24、72、120和168 h的VAC中血浆触珠蛋白浓度较高(P <0.01)。总而言之,在定时AI后30 d接种疫苗时,对印度洋双歧杆菌牛肉牛接种FMD病毒会导致怀孕损失增加4倍,而定时AI前31 d。这些结果可能与FMD疫苗引起的炎症和急性期反应有关,已知该反应会损害牛的妊娠维持能力。



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