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Methodology for quantifying the behavioral activity of dairy cows in freestall barns.


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The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the validity of automated monitoring systems as assessment method for the behavioral activity of dairy cows compared with video recording, and (2) determine the sampling intervals required to obtain reliable estimates of the daily behavior. To determine lying, standing, and walking, 12 cows were equipped with automatic recording devices (IceTag=12 cows, HOBO Pendant G=5 cows), and their behavior was simultaneously recorded using a video recording system. The correspondence between the IceTag, HOBO logger, and video recording data was analyzed using 2x2 contingency tables, and we determined the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value (positive and negative). Both types of loggers demonstrated high sensitivity (Sen >=0.961) and specificity (Sp >=0.951) for lying and standing behaviors with predictive values near 1.00. The HOBO logger can accurately describe the laterality of lying behavior, whereas the IceTag device inadequately recorded walking, with probability predictive values <=0.303. Daily behaviors of the dairy cows were compared for 10 different sampling intervals (1 s, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 min) collected by the IceTag, using linear regression. A strong relationship (R2 >=0.978) was found between the total lying times from data on a per-second basis and estimates obtained by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 15 min sampling intervals. The sampling intervals of 1 and 2 min were comparable for all aspects of lying behavior (R2 >=0.813; P>0.05 for slope=1, intercept=0). Long sampling intervals (30 and 60 min) showed positive relationship for estimating time spent lying and standing (R2 >=0.774), but were inappropriate for predicting these behaviors, because they lacked accuracy and precision. Both the IceTag and HOBO logger accurately measured all aspects of lying and standing behavior. Reliable estimates of lying and standing time can be generated using relatively short interval lengths (e.g., 3, 4, 5, 10, or 15 min). Shorter sampling intervals (<=2 min) are required to accurately measure aspects of lying behavior such as number of lying bouts per day. The automated monitoring systems are time- and labor-saving tools that can be used by research or on farm to assess cow comfort related to lying behavior.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2012-5554
机译:这项研究的目的是(1)评估自动监控系统作为奶牛行为活动评估方法(与视频记录相比)的有效性的方法;(2)确定获取日常行为可靠估计所需的采样间隔。为了确定躺卧,站立和行走,为12头母牛配备了自动记录设备(IceTag = 12头母牛,HOBO Pendant G = 5头母牛),并使用视频记录系统同时记录了它们的行为。使用2x2列联表分析了IceTag,HOBO记录器和视频记录数据之间的对应关系,并确定了灵敏度,特异性和预测值(正值和负值)。两种类型的记录器均对躺卧和站立行为表现出高灵敏度(Sen> = 0.961)和特异性(Sp> = 0.951),预测值接近1.00。 HOBO记录器可以准确地描述躺卧行为的横向性,而IceTag设备记录的步行不足,概率预测值<= 0.303。使用线性回归,比较了IceTag收集的10个不同采样间隔(1秒和1、2、3、4、5、10、15、30和60分钟)的奶牛的日常行为。在每秒数据中的总说谎时间与通过1、2、3、4、5、10和15获得的估计值之间发现了很强的关系(R 2 0.05)。较长的采样间隔(30和60分钟)与估计躺卧和站立的时间呈正相关(R 2



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