首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Effects of delayed steroid implanting on health, performance, and carcass quality in high health risk, auction market-sourced feedlot steers.

Effects of delayed steroid implanting on health, performance, and carcass quality in high health risk, auction market-sourced feedlot steers.


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Auction-derived feeder calves (n = 1,601; initial BW = 273.5 +or- 4.7 kg) were used to examine effects of delayed administration of the initial steroid implant on health, performance, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle. Steers were procured from multiple auction markets in the southeastern United States and shipped to a central Kansas feedyard over a 6-wk period from December 2009 to January 2010. Steers were rested overnight before processing, then were randomly assigned, within arrival block, to 1 of 2 treatments: (1) implanted with Revalor-XS (40 mg estradiol and 200 mg trenbolone acetate) immediately upon arrival or (2) implanted with Revalor-XS 45 d postarrival. Cattle were weighed by pen using a group scale immediately after processing of each block. Feed deliveries were measured using load cells on feed trucks and recorded daily. Cattle were evaluated daily for morbidity and mortality by feedyard health personnel. Sick or injured cattle were removed from the home pen for further diagnosis and treatment. Individual animal health data were obtained and recorded daily. Final BW was calculated by dividing HCW by average dressing percent of the pen. Carcass data (quality grade and yield grade) were obtained by USDA personnel; presence of lung lesions, pleural adhesions, and liver abscesses were evaluated by trained university personnel. Delaying the initial implant tended to reduce morbidity (24.7 vs. 28.5%; P = 0.13) and reduced the percentage of animals requiring early salvage harvest due to chronic, nonresponsive respiratory disease (1.8 vs. 3.3%; P = 0.02). However, there were no effects of timing of implant administration (P >= 0.31) on rates of retreatment, mortality, lung lesions, or pleural adhesions. Implanting immediately upon feedlot arrival resulted in no effect on ADG or feed conversion (P >= 0.30). Cattle implanted upon arrival had numerically greater HCW and yield grade vs. cattle implanted on d 45; however, these differences were not significant (P >= 0.16). Delaying the initial implant 45 d did not greatly influence animal health, performance parameters, or carcass characteristics in feeder calves at high risk of developing bovine respiratory disease. copyright American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
机译:拍卖衍生的饲养犊牛(n = 1,601;初始体重= 273.5 +或-4.7千克)用于检查延迟施用初始类固醇植入物对肥育牛的健康,性能和car体特性的影响。从2009年12月至2010年1月的6周内,从美国东南部的多个拍卖市场采购了ers牛皮,并将其运到堪萨斯州的中部饲养场。将ers牛皮休息一整夜,然后进行加工,然后在到达区将其随机分配给1 2种治疗中的一种:(1)到达后立即植入Revalor-XS(40 mg雌二醇和200 mg醋酸群勃龙),或(2)到达后45天植入Revalor-XS。在处理每个块后,立即使用组秤用钢笔称重牛。使用饲料卡车上的称重传感器测量饲料的输送量,并每日记录。饲养场卫生人员每天评估牛的发病率和死亡率。将病牛或受伤的牛从家畜舍中取出,进行进一步的诊断和治疗。每天获取并记录个体动物健康数据。通过将HCW除以笔的平均修整百分比来计算最终BW。 USD体数据(质量等级和产量等级)由美国农业部人员获得;由受过训练的大学人员评估是否存在肺部病变,胸膜粘连和肝脓肿。推迟初始植入倾向于降低发病率(24.7 vs. 28.5%; P = 0.13),并减少了由于慢性无反应性呼吸系统疾病而需要早期抢救的动物的比例(1.8 vs. 3.3%; P = 0.02)。但是,植入物的施药时间(P> = 0.31)对再治疗率,死亡率,肺部病变或胸膜粘连没有影响。育肥场到达后立即植入对ADG或饲料转化率没有影响(P> = 0.30)。与第45天植入的牛相比,抵达时植入的牛的HCW和产量等级在数值上更高。但是,这些差异并不显着(P> = 0.16)。将初始植入物延迟45 d并不会严重影响牛患呼吸道疾病的饲养小牛的动物健康,性能参数或car体特性。美国动物科学学会版权所有。版权所有。



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