首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Feed intake and competition in ewes on ad libitum or semi-restricted feeding of grass silage and hay

Feed intake and competition in ewes on ad libitum or semi-restricted feeding of grass silage and hay


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The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of feeding level and type of roughage on feed intake, feeding behavior and competition of ewes. A 2x2 factorial experiment was conducted with amount of roughage available (ad libitum or semi restricted) and type of roughage (grass silage or hay) as main factors. Forty-eight ewes were randomly assigned to 8 groups of 6 ewes. All groups were subjected to all 4 treatments, each treatment period lasted 7 d, and the order of treatments was rotated systematically. The ewes were video recorded for the 2 last days of each treatment period and feeding and general activity were scored every 10 min. All aggressive interactions and displacement at the feed barrier were scored continuously the first 3 h after feeding. Daily feed intake (P<0.0001) and DMI (P<0.0001) were both greater in the silage than in the hay treatment. Ewes in the semi-restricted treatment spent less time feeding (P<0.0001), had a greater individual variation in feeding time (P<0.05) and spent more time queuing for feed (standing maximum 1.5 m from the feeding barrier with the head towards the feed; P<0.0001). Individual data showed that 5 ewes fed hay and 3 ewes fed silage reduced their time spent feeding more than 50% when the feeding level was reduced. When fed hay, the level of feeding did not affect number of aggressive interactions or displacements, but when fed silage the number of aggressive interactions (P<0.01) and the number of displacements (P<0.05) were much greater in the semi-restricted than in the ad libitum treatment. We conclude that even a minor restriction in the level of feeding will decrease time spent feeding and increase queuing and number of aggressive interactions when feeding space is also restricted, and that the increase in aggressive interactions is mainly for ewes fed grass silage.
机译:本实验的目的是研究饲喂水平和粗饲料类型对采食量,饲喂行为和母羊竞争的影响。进行了2x2阶乘实验,将可用粗饲料的量(随意或半限制)和粗饲料的类型(草料青贮或干草)作为主要因素。将48头母羊随机分配给8组的6头母羊。所有组均接受全部4种治疗,每个治疗期持续7 d,并且系统地轮换治疗顺序。在每个治疗期的最后两天对母羊进行录像,每10分钟对喂食和一般活动进行评分。在喂食后的头3小时内,对喂食屏障处的所有侵略性相互作用和位移进行连续评分。青贮饲料中的日饲料摄入量(P <0.0001)和DMI(P <0.0001)均比干草处理时高。在半限制性处理中,母羊的进食时间更少(P <0.0001),个体进食时间的差异更大(P <0.05),排队进食的时间也更多(从进食口到头部的最大距离为1.5 m饲料; P <0.0001)。单独的数据显示,当饲喂水平降低时,饲喂干草的5头母羊和饲喂青贮饲料的3头母羊减少了花费超过50%的饲喂时间。饲喂干草时,饲喂水平不影响侵略性交互作用或位移的数量,但饲喂青贮饲料时,半限制条件下侵略性交互作用的数量(P <0.01)和位移数量(P <0.05)更大。比随意治疗要好。我们得出的结论是,即使进食水平受到很小的限制,当进食空间也受到限制时,进食时间也会减少,并增加排队和侵略性相互作用的数量,侵略性相互作用的增加主要是针对饲喂草料青贮的母羊。



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