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Factors affecting length of productive life in Swedish commercial sows.


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The objective of this study was to investigate factors that might influence the length of productive life in Swedish crossbred (Landrace x Yorkshire) sows. The data set consisted of 20,310 sows farrowing between 2001 and 2004 in 21 commercial piglet-producing herds. Productive life (PL) was defined as the number of days between first farrowing and removal or termination of data collection. In addition to the overall risk analysis of PL, another 4 longevity traits were analyzed (competing risk analyses): reproductive disorder-determined length of PL (RPL), udder problem-determined length of PL (UPL), lameness-determined length of PL (LPL), and mortality-determined length of PL (MPL). Analyses were performed by using survival analysis, applying a Weibull model with 6 time-dependent and 1 time-independent variable (age at first farrowing). The factor with the largest contribution to the likelihood function for PL was days after farrowing, followed by parity, the herd x year combination, the total number of piglets born, days between weaning and next farrowing, farrowing month, and age at first farrowing. For all 4 competing risk traits, the factors contributing most to the likelihood function were days after farrowing, the herd x year combination, and parity, with a varied order between traits. The hazard for removal was greatest 30 to 40 d after farrowing (after weaning) for PL, UPL, and LPL (P < 0.001). However, for MPL the hazard was greatest just after farrowing (0 to10 d), and for RPL the hazard peaked at 70 to 100 d after farrowing. The hazard for removal was, compared with parity 1, less in parities 2 to 7 and greater from parity 8 for PL (P < 0.001). The hazard was greatest in parity 1 (P < 0.01) for RPL, UPL, and LPL, whereas for MPL the hazard increased with greater parity number and was markedly greater from parity 9 (P < 0.001). Sows with litters of 9 piglets or less had a greater hazard for removal than sows with litters of 12 to 13 piglets (P < 0.001). Intervals between 120 and 122 d from weaning to the next farrowing showed the lowest hazard for removal (P < 0.001). The influence of farrowing month displayed no clear pattern for PL. Sows of 14 mo or older at their first farrowing had a 20% greater hazard for removal than younger sows (P < 0.001). The hazard for removal was greater for smaller litters in all parities but was more accentuated in greater parities. Overall, days after farrowing was the main risk factor for sow removal. Removal hazard was greatest shortly after weaning, and this peak increased with greater parity number.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查可能影响瑞典杂交(Landrace x Yorkshire)母猪生产寿命的因素。数据集包括2001年至2004年之间21个商业仔猪生产场中的20,310头母猪分娩。生产寿命(PL)定义为第一次分娩与移除或终止数据收集之间的天数。除了对PL的整体风险分析外,还分析了另外4个寿命特征(竞争风险分析):生殖障碍确定的PL长度(RPL),乳房问题确定的PL长度(UPL),la行确定的PL长度(LPL)和死亡率确定的PL长度(MPL)。通过生存分析,应用具有6个时间相关变量和1个时间无关变量(第一次分娩的年龄)的Weibull模型进行分析。对PL的似然函数影响最大的因素是分娩后的天数,其次是胎次,牛群x年组合,仔猪总数,断奶至下一个分娩之间的天数,分娩月份和第一次分娩的年龄。对于所有四个竞争风险特征,影响似然函数的主要因素是分娩后的天数,畜群x年的组合和同等性,特征之间的顺序不同。分娩后(断奶后)PL,UPL和LPL的去除风险最大为30至40 d(P <0.001)。但是,对MPL来说,分娩后的危害最大(0至10 d),而对于RPL,分娩后的危害在70至100 d达到最高。与奇偶校验1相比,PL的去除危险性更低,在奇偶校验2-7中,而从奇偶校验8起更大(P <0.001)。对于RPL,UPL和LPL,在奇偶校验1中,危害最大(P <0.01),而对于MPL,危害随着奇偶校验数的增加而增加,并且显着高于奇偶校验9(P <0.001)。窝数为9头或更少的母猪的去除风险要高于窝数为12到13头的母猪(P <0.001)。从断奶到下一次分娩的间隔为120到122 d,表明去除的危险性最低(P <0.001)。产仔月份的影响并未显示出PL的明确模式。初产时14个月或以上的母猪比年轻母猪的去除风险高20%(P <0.001)。对于所有产仔较小的产仔,去除的危险更大,而在较大产仔中更突出。总体而言,产后几天是去除母猪的主要危险因素。断奶后不久,去除危害最大,并且随着胎次数的增加,该峰值增加。



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