首页> 外文期刊>Journal of affective disorders >Assessment of cerebral blood flow findings using 99mTc-ECD single-photon emission computed tomography in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder

Assessment of cerebral blood flow findings using 99mTc-ECD single-photon emission computed tomography in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder


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Background: Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is used as an ancillary diagnostic tool in clinical psychiatry. A variety of SPECT studies has been conducted on the findings and the factors that affect the findings, and there is a possibility that age has an effect on cerebral blood flow. We used SPECT to verify the cerebral blood flow findings of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) considering the effect of age on the findings. Methods: We conducted a retrospective survey of inpatients who fulfilled the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for MDD and who had undergone imaging by technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer ( 99mTc-ECD) SPECT (N = 98, 37 males). After excluding organic factors and comorbidities, we established a depression group (N = 61, 24 males) and conducted an inter-group comparison with a normal control group by using SPM software considering the effect of age. Results: The depression group showed the reduction of cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal area bilaterally, predominantly on the left, including the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior portion of the gyrus cinguli, and dorsolateral prefrontal area, in the left temporal lobe, and in the occipital lobe bilaterally, predominantly on the left. The findings were common to all age groups and that age-specific pattern was not detected. Limitations: The facts that this was a retrospective study and small sample size in each age group were limitations of this research. Although it also seems important to evaluate the impact of medication on cerebral blood flow and conduct an evaluation according to the subtype of depression, but we couldn't in this study. In the future it will be necessary to accumulate additional cases and conduct additional studies, including a prospective survey. Conclusion: The results of this study may suggest the existence of a common biological background in patients with MDD that is unaffected by age.
机译:背景:单光子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)被用作临床精神病学的辅助诊断工具。已经对发现和影响发现的因素进行了各种SPECT研究,年龄可能会影响脑血流。考虑到年龄对结果的影响,我们使用SPECT来验证患有重度抑郁症(MDD)的患者的脑血流发现。方法:我们对符合DSM-IV MDD诊断标准且已通过99 99m半胱氨酸乙酯二聚体(99mTc-ECD)SPECT成像的住院患者进行了回顾性调查(N = 98,男37名)。在排除有机因素和合并症之后,我们建立了一个抑郁症组(N = 61,男24名),并考虑年龄的影响,使用SPM软件与正常对照组进行了组间比较。结果:抑郁组显示双侧前额叶区域的大脑血流减少,主要是左侧,包括眶额皮质,回旋回前部和背外侧前额叶区域,左颞叶和枕叶。双侧裂片,主要在左侧。这些发现对所有年龄段都是普遍的,并且未发现特定年龄的模式。局限性:这是一项回顾性研究,每个年龄组的样本量较小,这是该研究的局限性。尽管评估药物对脑血流的影响并根据抑郁症的亚型进行评估似乎也很重要,但是我们不能进行这项研究。将来有必要积累更多的案例并进行其他研究,包括前瞻性调查。结论:这项研究的结果可能表明MDD患者存在不受年龄影响的共同生物学背景。



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