首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Analytical Toxicology >Elimination of Ephedrines in Urine Following Administration of a Sho-seiryu-to Preparation.

Elimination of Ephedrines in Urine Following Administration of a Sho-seiryu-to Preparation.


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Sho-seiryu-to is one of the most common Traditional Chinese Medicine preparations for the attenuation of colds. Ephedrae Herba is one of the prescriptions of Sho-seiryu-to. The major ingredients of Ephedrae Herba, ephedrines, are banned substances on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list. The purpose of this study was to investigate the elimination of urinary ephedrines after administering Sho-seiryu-to preparation and to determine the possibility of positive ephedrines test results in urine. Six healthy volunteers took a single 2.5-g dose of concentrated Sho-seiryu-to preparation. All urine was collected for 48 h. The concentrations of urinary ephedrines were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and the elimination half-life of the ephedrines was estimated. The results show that ephedrine and cathine (norpseudoephedrine), the prohibited substances of the WADA, were excreted in the urine after taking a single dose of Sho-seiryuto preparation. The peak concentration of ephedrine was 3.88 +/- 1.87 mg/mL (mean +/- SD), which was lower than the WADA permitted value (10 mg/mL). The estimated elimination half-lives of ephedrine, norephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine following administration of this preparation were 5.3 +/- 1.2, 4.9 +/- 0.9, 4.4 +/- 1.0, and 5.4 +/- 1.8 h, respectively. This study concluded that the urine would not violate the antidoping rules after administering a single dose of Sho-seiryu-to preparation. Nevertheless, an applied multiple-dose study upon administering the preparation for three times per day for three days showed a positive urine ephedrine result (13.7 mg/mL). Athletes should be careful when taking more than a single dose of Sho-seiryu-to preparation.
机译:Sho-seiryu-to是减轻感冒的最常用中药制剂之一。麻黄是Sho-seiryu-to的处方之一。麻黄的主要成分麻黄碱是世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)清单上的禁用物质。这项研究的目的是调查服用Sho-seiryu-to制剂后消除尿中的麻黄碱,并确定尿液中麻黄碱检测结果阳性的可能性。六名健康志愿者服用了2.5克剂量的浓缩Sho-seiryu-to制剂。收集所有尿液48小时。通过高效液相色谱法分析尿中麻黄碱的浓度,并估算麻黄碱的消除半衰期。结果表明,单次服用Sho-seiryuto制剂后,WADA的禁用物质麻黄碱和卡西因(norpseudoephedrine)会从尿液中排出。麻黄碱的峰值浓度为3.88 +/- 1.87 mg / mL(平均+/- SD),低于WADA允许值(10 mg / mL)。服用该制剂后,估计的麻黄碱,去氧麻黄碱,伪麻黄碱和去甲伪麻黄碱的消除半衰期分别为5.3 +/- 1.2、4.9 +/- 0.9、4.4 +/- 1.0和5.4 +/- 1.8 h。这项研究得出的结论是,在服用单剂Sho-seiryu-to制剂后,尿液不会违反反兴奋剂规则。然而,一项在每天三次,连续三天服用该制剂的应用多剂量研究显示,尿麻黄碱结果为阳性(13.7 mg / mL)。服用超过单剂Sho-seiryu-to制剂时,运动员应格外小心。



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