首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agronomy >Effects of Seedling Age on Transplanting Shock, Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Varieties in Semi-arid Zimbabwe

Effects of Seedling Age on Transplanting Shock, Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Varieties in Semi-arid Zimbabwe

机译:苗龄对半干旱津巴布韦珍珠小米(Pennisetum glaucum L.)品种移栽休克,生长和产量的影响

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Recent studies on pearl millet transplanting have shown that early harvesting is possible through establishment of nurseries and transplanting with early rains. These studies also showed that age of transplants and the time of transplanting are important issues requiring further consideration. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of age of transplants on growth, yield and yield components of pearl millet. The study also quantified transplanting shock by comparing performance of transplants against non-transplants. The study was carried out over two seasons, the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 seasons at Save Valley Experiment Station in a semi arid area of Zimbabwe. There were three factors in the experiment, three nursery sowing dates (2 November-SD_1; 12 November-SD_2 and 22 November-SD_3), variety and method of planting (direct or transplanting). Varieties used were PMV2 and PMV3. The design was a 3x2x2 factorial in a Randomised Complete Block Design replicated three times. Seeds ofthe two varieties were also sown on the day of transplanting (12 December-SD_4) resulting in two additional treatments. Days to flowering and maturity, dry weight, grains per panicle, 1000 seed weight and grain yield (kg ha~(-1)) were measured. There were significant sowing date x planting method interactions on time to flowering and maturity. Transplanting increased time to flowering and maturity while delayed sowing decreased time to flowering and maturity. Transplants had lesser dry weights comparedto non-transplants though relative growth rate appeared to be the same between transplants and non-transplants. In the 2001/2002 season there was a significant (p<0.05) interaction between Sowing Date (SD) and planting method on yield. Thirty and 40-day-old transplants performed better than 20-day-old transplants. For non-transplants, delayed sowing reduced yields by about 900 kg ha~' from SD, to SD4. A similar trend was observed in the 2002/2003 season. Thirty-day-old transplants out yielded SD4 non-transplants by 63 and 26% in the first and second seasons, respectively. It was concluded that for late planting (12 December onwards) transplanting with 30-day-old transplants may yield better than direct sowing in pearl millet.
机译:珍珠粟移植的最新研究表明,可以通过建立苗圃和早雨进行移植来尽早收获。这些研究还表明,移植的年龄和移植时间是需要进一步考虑的重要问题。该研究的目的是研究移植年龄对珍珠粟生长,产量和产量构成的影响。该研究还通过比较移植与非移植的性能来量化移植休克。这项研究在津巴布韦半干旱地区的Save Valley实验站进行了两个季节的2001/2002和2002/2003两个季节的研究。试验中有三个因素,三个育苗日期(11月2日至SD_1; 11月12日至SD_2和11月22日至SD_3),品种和播种方法(直接或移栽)。使用的品种是PMV2和PMV3。该设计是3x2x2阶乘,重复了3次。在移植当天(12月12日-SD_4)也播种了两个变种的种子,导致了另外两个处理。测定开花至成熟的天数,干重,每穗粒数,1000粒种子的重量和籽粒产量(kg ha〜(-1))。在开花和成熟时间上,播种日期x种植方法之间存在显着的相互作用。移栽增加了开花和成熟的时间,而延迟播种减少了开花和成熟的时间。尽管相对生长率在移植物和非移植物之间似乎是相同的,但与非移植物相比,移植物的干重较小。在2001/2002年度,播种期(SD)和种植方式对产量的影响显着(p <0.05)。 30天和40天的移植效果要好于20天的移植。对于非移植物,延期播种使SD到SD4的单产降低了约900 kg公顷。在2002/2003赛季中也观察到了类似的趋势。在第一个和第二个季节中,出产30天的移植物分别产生了63%和26%的SD4非移植物。结论是,对于晚栽种(12月12日起),使用30天龄的移栽比在珍珠粟上播种的产量更高。



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