首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Effects of controlled-release metoprolol on total mortality, hospitalizations, and well-being in patients with heart failure: the Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in congestive heart failure (MERIT-HF). MERIT-HF Study Group (see comment

Effects of controlled-release metoprolol on total mortality, hospitalizations, and well-being in patients with heart failure: the Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in congestive heart failure (MERIT-HF). MERIT-HF Study Group (see comment

机译:控释美托洛尔对心力衰竭患者总死亡率,住院和幸福感的影响:充血性心力衰竭的美托洛尔CR / XL随机干预试验(MERIT-HF)。 MERIT-HF研究组(请参阅评论

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CONTEXT: Results from recent studies on the effects of beta1-blockade in patients with heart failure demonstrated a 34% reduction in total mortality. However, the effect of beta1-blockade on the frequency of hospitalizations, symptoms, and quality of life in patients with heart failure has not been fully explored. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of the beta1-blocker controlled-release/extended-release metoprolol succinate (metoprolol CR/XL) on mortality, hospitalization, symptoms, and quality of life in patients with heart failure. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind controlled trial, preceded by a 2-week single-blind placebo run-in period, conducted from February 14, 1997, to October 31, 1998, with a mean follow-up of 1 year. SETTING: Three hundred thirteen sites in 14 countries. PARTICIPANTS: Patients (n = 3991) with chronic heart failure, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class II to IV, and ejection fraction of 0.40 or less who were stabilized with optimum standard therapy. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized to metoprolol CR/XL, 25 mg once per day (NYHA class II), or 12.5 mg once per day (NYHA class III or IV), titrated for 6 to 8 weeks up to a target dosage of 200 mg once per day (n = 1990); or matching placebo (n = 2001). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Total mortality or any hospitalization (time to first event), number of hospitalizations for worsening heart failure, and change in NYHA class, by intervention group; quality of life was assessed in a substudy of 741 patients. RESULTS: The incidence of all predefined end points was lower in the metoprolol CR/XL group than in the placebo group, including total mortality or all-cause hospitalizations (the prespecified second primary end point; 641 vs 767 events; risk reduction, 19%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 10%-27%; P<.001); total mortality or hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure (311 vs 439 events; risk reduction, 31%; 95% CI, 20%-40%; P<.001), number of hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure (317 vs 451; P<.001); and number of days in hospital due to worsening heart failure (3401 vs 5303 days; P<.001). NYHA functional class, assessed by physicians, and McMaster Overall Treatment Evaluation score, assessed by patients, both improved in the metoprolol CR/XL group compared with the placebo group (P = .003 and P = .009, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: In this study of patients with symptomatic heartfailure, metoprolol CR/XL improved survival, reduced the need for hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure, improved NYHA functional class, and had beneficial effects on patient well-being.
机译:背景:最近关于β1-受体阻滞剂对心力衰竭患者影响的研究结果表明,总死亡率降低了34%。但是,尚未充分探讨β1受体阻滞对心力衰竭患者住院频率,症状和生活质量的影响。目的:研究β1受体阻滞剂控释/缓释琥珀酸美托洛尔(美托洛尔CR / XL)对心力衰竭患者的死亡率,住院率,症状和生活质量的影响。设计:随机,双盲对照试验,然后为期2周的单盲安慰剂试验,试验时间为1997年2月14日至1998年10月31日,平均随访1年。地点:14个国家/地区的313个站点。参与者:患有慢性心力衰竭的患者(n = 3991),纽约心脏协会(NYHA)的II至IV级功能,射血分数在0.40或更低,并通过最佳标准治疗得以稳定。干预措施:将患者随机分为美托洛尔CR / XL,每天25 mg(每天两次,NYHA II类)或每天12.5 mg(每天一次,NYHA III类或IV),滴定6至8周,直至达到200 mg的目标剂量每天一次(n = 1990);或匹配的安慰剂(n = 2001)。主要观察指标:按干预组划分的总死亡率或任何住院治疗(首次事件发生的时间),因心力衰竭加重而住院的次数以及NYHA等级的改变;在741名患者的亚组研究中评估了生活质量。结果:美托洛尔CR / XL组所有预定义终点的发生率均低于安慰剂组,包括总死亡率或全因住院(预先设定的第二主要终点; 641 vs 767事件;风险降低,19% ; 95%置信区间[CI],10%-27%; P <.001);心力衰竭加重的总死亡率或住院率(311 vs 439事件;风险降低,31%; 95%CI,20%-40%; P <.001),因心力衰竭加重而住院的次数(317 vs 451; P <.001);和因心力衰竭加重而住院的天数(3401天对5303天; P <.001)。与安慰剂组相比,美托洛尔CR / XL组患者的NYHA功能等级(由医生评估)和McMaster综合治疗评估得分(由患者评估)均有所改善(分别为P = 0.003和P = 0.009)。结论:在这项针对有症状心力衰竭患者的研究中,美托洛尔CR / XL改善了生存率,由于心力衰竭加重而减少了住院治疗,改善了NYHA功能等级,并对患者的健康产生了有益的影响。



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