首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Outbreak of type A botulism and development of a botulism surveillance and antitoxin release system in Argentina.

Outbreak of type A botulism and development of a botulism surveillance and antitoxin release system in Argentina.


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CONTEXT: Botulism is an important public health problem in Argentina, but obtaining antitoxin rapidly has been difficult because global supplies are limited. In January 1998, a botulism outbreak occurred in Buenos Aires. OBJECTIVES: To determine the source of the outbreak, improve botulism surveillance, and establish an antitoxin supply and release system in Argentina. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Cohort study in January 1998 of 21 drivers of a specific bus route in urban Buenos Aires. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Occurrence of botulism and implication of a particular food as the vehicle causing this outbreak. RESULTS: Nine (43%) of 21 bus drivers developed botulism, presenting with gastroenteritis, symptoms of acute cranial nerve dysfunction including ptosis, dysphagia, blurred vision, and motor weakness. One driver experienced respiratory failure. Type A toxin was detected from 3 of 9 patients' serum samples. All drivers received botulism antitoxin; there were no fatalities. Consumption of matambre (Argentine meat roll) was significantly associated with illness. Among 11 persons who ate matambre, 9 developed illness, compared with none of those who did not eat it (P<.001). The matambre had been cooked in water at 78 degrees C to 80 degrees C for 4 hours, sealed in heat-shrinked plastic wrap, and stored in refrigerators that did not cool adequately. Subsequently, a botulism surveillance and antitoxin release system was established. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient cooking time and temperatures, storage in heat-shrinked plastic wrap, and inadequate refrigeration likely contributed to Clostridium botulinum spore survival, germination, and toxin production. A rapid-response botulism surveillance and antitoxin release system in Argentina should provide more timely distribution of antitoxin to patients and may serve as a model for other nations.
机译:背景:肉毒杆菌中毒是阿根廷的重要公共卫生问题,但由于全球供应有限,因此很难迅速获得抗毒素。 1998年1月,布宜诺斯艾利斯爆发肉毒中毒。目的:确定暴发的根源,改善肉毒中毒的监测,并建立阿根廷的抗毒素供应和释放系统。设计,地点和参与者:1998年1月对布宜诺斯艾利斯市区特定公交路线的21位驾驶员进行了队列研究。主要观察指标:肉毒中毒的发生和某种特定食物的影响是造成这种暴发的媒介。结果:21名巴士司机中有9名(43%)患有肉毒杆菌中毒,并伴有肠胃炎,急性颅神经功能障碍的症状,包括上睑下垂,吞咽困难,视力模糊和运动无力。一名驾驶员呼吸衰竭。从9名患者的血清样本中的3份中检测到A型毒素。所有驾驶员均接受肉毒杆菌毒素抗毒素;没有死亡。食用matambre(阿根廷肉卷)与疾病显着相关。在吃过黑素的11人中,有9人患病,而没有食用该病的人则没有(P <.001)。该材料已在78摄氏度至80摄氏度的水中煮过4小时,密封在热收缩的塑料包装中,并存放在未充分冷却的冰箱中。随后,建立了肉毒杆菌中毒监测和抗毒素释放系统。结论:烹饪时间和温度不足,热缩保鲜膜中存储的食物以及冷藏不足可能会导致肉毒梭菌的孢子存活,发芽和产生毒素。阿根廷的快速肉毒杆菌中毒监测和抗毒素释放系统应为患者提供更及时的抗毒素分布,并可以作为其他国家的榜样。



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