首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Anabolic effects of nandrolone decanoate in patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial (see comments)

Anabolic effects of nandrolone decanoate in patients receiving dialysis: a randomized controlled trial (see comments)


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CONTEXT: Patients receiving dialysis commonly experience malnutrition, reduced muscle mass (sarcopenia), and fatigue for which no effective treatment has been identified. Anabolic steroids are known to increase muscle mass and strength in healthy individuals, but their effect on the sarcopenia and fatigue associated with long-term dialysis has not been evaluated. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of an anabolic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, on lean body mass (LBM), functional status, and quality of life in dialysis patients. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted between April 1996 and July 1997. SETTING: Hospital-based outpatient dialysis unit. PATIENTS: Twenty-nine patients undergoing dialysis for at least 3 months. INTERVENTION: Nandrolone decanoate, 100 mg (n = 14), or placebo (n = 15) by intramuscular injection once a week for 6 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Weight, LBM, fatigue, grip strength, walking and stair-climbing times, and treadmill performance after 3 and 6 months of treatment. RESULTS: Lean body mass increased significantly in patients given nandrolone compared with patients given placebo (mean change [SD], +4.5 [2.3] kg; P<.001 compared with baseline). This effect was significantly greater than the change in LBM in the placebo group (mean change [SD], +1.9 [1.6] kg; P = .003 compared with baseline; P = .005 compared with nandrolone group). Serum creatinine levels increased in the nandrolone group (+168 [203] mmol/L [1.9 [2.3] mg/dL]; P = .02) but not in the placebo group (-4.0 [177] mmol/L [0.04 [2.0] mg/dL]; P = .95), suggesting an increase in muscle mass. Time to complete the walking and stair-climbing test decreased from 36.5 to 32.7 seconds in the nandrolone group, while those in the placebo group increased from 38.7 to 42.1 seconds (P = .05). Peak oxygen consumption increased in the individuals in the nandrolone group who performed treadmill tests, but not to a statistically significant degree. Grip strength did not change in either group. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with nandrolone for 6 months resulted in a significant increase in LBM associated with functional improvement in patients undergoing dialysis.
机译:背景:接受透析的患者通常会营养不良,肌肉质量下降(肌肉减少症)和疲劳,目前尚无有效的治疗方法。众所周知,合成代谢类固醇可以增加健康个体的肌肉质量和力量,但尚未评估其对肌肉减少症和与长期透析相关的疲劳的作用。目的:评估合成代谢类固醇癸酸诺龙对透析患者的瘦体重(LBM),功能状态和生活质量的影响。设计:1996年4月至1997年7月间进行的随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验。地点:医院门诊透析室。患者:29名接受透析至少3个月的患者。干预:每周一次肌肉注射癸酸诺龙100毫克(n = 14)或安慰剂(n = 15),持续6个月。主要观察指标:治疗3个月和6个月后,体重,LBM,疲劳,抓地力,步行和爬楼梯的时间以及跑步机的性能。结果:与安慰剂组相比,纳诺龙组患者的瘦体重显着增加(平均变化[SD],+ 4.5 [2.3] kg;与基线相比,P <.001)。该作用显着大于安慰剂组的LBM变化(平均变化[SD],+ 1.9 [1.6] kg;与基线相比,P = .003;与nandrolone组相比,P = .005)。 nandrolone组(+168 [203] mmol / L [1.9 [2.3] mg / dL]; P = .02)的血清肌酐水平升高,但安慰剂组(-4.0 [177] mmol / L [0.04 [ 2.0] mg / dL]; P = 0.95),表明肌肉质量增加。 nandrolone组完成步行和爬楼梯测试的时间从36.5秒减少到32.7秒,而安慰剂组的时间从38.7秒增加到42.1秒(P = 0.05)。耐诺龙组中进行跑步机测试的个体的峰值耗氧量增加,但未达到统计学上的显着水平。两组的握力均未改变。结论:用纳德龙治疗6个月导致LBM显着增加,而透析患者的功能得到改善。



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