首页> 外文期刊>Journal American Pomological Society >Seasonal Changes in the Cold Hardiness of the Flower Buds of Highbush Blueberry with Varying Species Ancestry

Seasonal Changes in the Cold Hardiness of the Flower Buds of Highbush Blueberry with Varying Species Ancestry


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Many blueberry cultivars contain genetic material from Vaccinium species adapted to southern and northern regions. In this study, we compared the flower bud hardiness of several cultivars with diverse species backgrounds during the fall, winter and spring. Twigs were collected from field-grown plants and frozen to a range of temperatures to determine the temperature resulting in 50% bud mortality. The hardiest cultivars were 'Sierra', 'Patriot' and 'Elliott', as well as the new cultivars 'Aurora' and 'Liberty'. 'Bluecrop' and 'Brigitta' were intermediate in hardiness, and 'Legacy' was the least hardy cultivar tested. Results suggest that hardiness of cultivars cannot be predicted accurately from their species composition.
机译:许多蓝莓品种都包含来自适应南部和北部地区的越橘属物种的遗传物质。在这项研究中,我们比较了秋季,冬季和春季具有不同物种背景的几个品种的花蕾坚韧性。从田间生长的植物中收集嫩枝,并冷冻至一定温度范围,以确定该温度可导致50%的芽死亡率。最强的品种是“ Sierra”,“ Patriot”和“ Elliott”,以及新的品种“ Aurora”和“ Liberty”。 “ Bluecrop”和“ Brigitta”的耐寒性中等,“ Legacy”是耐寒性最低的品种。结果表明,不能通过品种组成准确地预测品种的耐性。



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