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Spot Cargo Markets -Atlantic Divide


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Markets started to diverge on either side of the Atlantic. International benchmark Brent stayed below $50 per barrel through most of last week. The front-month September contract closed at $49.22/bbl Thursday, for a loss of 30¢ on the week while US price-pin WTI settled at $42.23 for a loss of $2.43/bbl. Brent’s premium over WTI reached a three-week high of nearly $7/bbl as US crude posted steeper declines. China’s surprise move to devalue its currency spooked currency markets and strengthened the dollar, which could pose problems for the US economy going forward. Concerns about oversupply in US crude and product markets snuffed out a brief rally on Monday which resumed at midweek after latest US government data pegged US commercial crude inventories at 453.6 million barrels for the week ended Aug. 7 -down 1.7 million bbl versus the previous week. Stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma pricing point for the Nymex futures contract were 100,000 bbl lower at 57.1 million bbl. Nevertheless, some sources such as Genscape have warned that the impending refinery maintenance season could push crude inventories to a point that overwhelms storage capacity at Cushing. “The big picture shows us that this year is on track to be the most oversupplied period for at least 17 years,” said PVM Brokerage analysts in a note.
机译:大西洋两岸的市场开始分化。在上周的大部分时间里,国际基准布伦特原油价格一直保持在每桶50美元以下。周四近月9月合约收于$ 49.22 / bbl,一周下跌30 ¢,而以美国价格为基础的WTI收于$ 42.23,下跌$ 2.43 / bbl。布伦特原油较WTI溢价达到近7美元/桶的三周高位,因美国原油跌幅更大。中国出人意料的降低人民币贬值的举动吓坏了货币市场,使美元升值,这可能给美国经济发展带来麻烦。对美国原油和产品市场供过于求的担忧在周一中止了短暂的反弹。在美国政府最新数据将截至8月7日的一周中美国商业原油库存定为4.536亿桶,较前一周减少了170万桶后,周一的短暂涨势得以平息。 。纽约商业交易所(Nymex)期货合约在俄克拉荷马州库欣的定价点下跌10万桶,至5710万桶。不过,诸如Genscape之类的一些消息来源警告说,即将到来的炼油厂维护季节可能会将原油库存推高至使库欣的存储能力不堪重负的地步。 PVM Brokerage分析师在一份报告中表示:“大局向我们表明,今年有望成为至少17年以来供过于求的时期。”



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