首页> 外文期刊>Japanese journal of infectious diseases >Incidence of bacterial enteropathogens among hospitalized diarrhea patients from Orissa, India.

Incidence of bacterial enteropathogens among hospitalized diarrhea patients from Orissa, India.


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Bacteriological analysis of 1,551 stool/rectal swabs from all age groups of diarrhea patients of different hospitals of Orissa from January 2004 to December 2006 was carried out using standard procedures. Among all enteropathogens isolated in 886 culture-positive samples, Escherichia coli constituted 75.5%, including 13.2% pathogenic E. coli; Vibrio cholerae O1 constituted 17.3%; V. cholerae O139, 1%; Shigella spp., 4.5% (Shigella flexneri type 6, 2.9%, S. dysenteriae type I, 0.7%, S. sonnei, 0.6%, and S. boydii, 0.3%); Salmonella spp., 0.7%; and Aeromonas spp., only 2.0%. The isolation of bacterial enteropathogens was highest during July, 2005, followed by September, 2006. The prevalence of shigellosis in this region was relatively low. Cholera cases were more frequent during the rainy seasons. The dominance of V. cholerae O1 Inaba over Ogawa serotypes was observed in 2005, whereas this trend was reversed in 2006. The resistance profile of V. cholerae O1 was co-trimoxazole (Co), furazolidone (Fr), andnalidixic acid (Na); for Aeromonas spp., it was ampicillin (A), Fr, ciprofloxacin (Cf), Na, norfloxacin (Nx), and Co. Pathogenic E. coli strains were resistant to A, Fr, Co, streptomycin (S), Cf, Na, Nx, and neomycin (N); Shigella spp. were resistant to Fr, Na, Co, and S; and Salmonella spp. were resistant to A and Fr. Active surveillance should be continued among diarrhea patients to look for different enteropathogens and to define the shifting antibiogram patterns in this region.
机译:使用标准程序对2004年1月至2006年12月间奥里萨邦不同医院腹泻患者所有年龄组的1 551例粪便/直肠拭子进行细菌学分析。在886个培养阳性样品中分离出的所有肠病原体中,大肠杆菌占75.5%,其中致病性大肠杆菌为13.2%。霍乱弧菌O1占17.3%;霍乱弧菌O139,1%;志贺氏菌(Shigella spp。),4.5%(6型弗氏志贺氏菌,2.9%,痢疾链球菌I型,0.7%,索内链球菌(S. sonnei,0.6%)和博伊氏链球菌(S. boydii,0.3%);沙门氏菌,0.7%;和Aeromonas spp。,仅2.0%。细菌性肠病原菌的分离率最高于2005年7月,其次是2006年9月。该地区志贺氏菌病的患病率相对较低。在雨季,霍乱病例更为常见。在2005年观察到霍乱弧菌O1 Inaba在小川血清型中的优势地位,而在2006年这一趋势被逆转。霍乱弧菌O1的抗药性为三曲唑(Co),呋喃唑酮(Fr)和纳霉二酸(Na) ;对于气单胞菌属,它是氨苄青霉素(A),Fr,环丙沙星(Cf),Na,诺氟沙星(Nx)和Co。致病性大肠杆菌菌株对A,Fr,Co,链霉素(S),Cf, Na,Nx和新霉素(N);志贺氏菌属。对Fr,Na,Co和S有抵抗力;和沙门氏菌对A和Fr有抵抗力。腹泻患者应继续积极监测,以寻找不同的肠病原体,并确定该区域变化的抗菌素谱。



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