首页> 外文期刊>JAIDS: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes >Same-sex behavior and high rates of HIV among men attending sexually transmitted infection clinics in Pune, India (1993-2002).

Same-sex behavior and high rates of HIV among men attending sexually transmitted infection clinics in Pune, India (1993-2002).


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OBJECTIVES: To determine HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence, trends, and risk behaviors of men who have sex with men (MSM) and compare these with those of non-MSM attending STI clinics in Pune, India over a 10-year period. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. METHODS: From 1993 through 2002, men attending 3 STI clinics in Pune underwent HIV/STI screening. Demographic, risk behavior, clinical, and laboratory data were collected using standardized questionnaires and laboratory procedures. RESULTS: Of 10,785 men screened, 708 (6.6%) were MSM. Among these 708 MSM, 189 (31.7%) had 10 or more lifetime partners, 253 (35.7%) were married, 163 (23.1%) had sex with a hijra (eunuch), and 87 (13.3%) had exchanged money for sex. A total of 134 (18.9%) were HIV-positive, 149 (21.5%) had genital ulcer disease (GUD), 37 (5.8%) had syphilis, and 29 (4.3%) had gonorrhea (GC). Over the decade, neither HIV nor GC prevalence changed among MSM (P = 0.7), but syphilis and GUD decreased significantly (P < 0.0001). Compared with non-MSM, MSM were more likely to initiate sexual activity at age <16 years, to have >10 lifetime partners, to have sex with a hijra, and to use condoms regularly, but they did not differ significantly in HIV prevalence and had a lower prevalence of GC, GUD, and syphilis. Independent factors associated with HIV among MSM were employment (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 3.08; P = 0.02), history of GUD (AOR = 1.86; P = 0.003), and syphilis (AOR = 2.09; P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Same-sex and high-risk sexual behaviors are prevalent among men attending STI clinics in India. Although syphilis and GUD rates decreased, HIV prevalence remained high during the decade, highlighting the importance of additional targeted efforts to reduce HIV risk among all men, including MSM, in India.
机译:目的:确定与男性发生性关系(MSM)的男性的HIV /性传播感染(STI)患病率,趋势和危险行为,并将其与在印度浦那(Pune)接受STI诊所的非MSM进行10年以上的行为进行比较期。设计:横截面。方法:从1993年到2002年,在浦那的3家性病诊所就诊的男性接受了HIV / STI筛查。使用标准化的调查表和实验室程序收集人口统计学,风险行为,临床和实验室数据。结果:在筛查的10785名男性中,有708名(6.6%)是男男性接触者。在这708个MSM中,有189个(31.7%)拥有10个或以上的终身伴侣,已婚253个(35.7%),有163个(23.1%)与希拉(太监)发生性关系,有87个(13.3%)已用金钱进行性交易。共有134名(18.9%)HIV阳性,149名(21.5%)患有生殖器溃疡病(GUD),37名(5.8%)患有梅毒,29名(4.3%)患有淋病(GC)。在过去的十年中,MSM中的HIV和GC患病率均未改变(P = 0.7),但梅毒和GUD显着下降(P <0.0001)。与非MSM相比,MSM更有可能在<16岁开始性行为,有> 10个终生伴侣,与hijra发生性行为以及定期使用安全套,但在HIV感染率和GC,GUD和梅毒的患病率较低。 MSM中与HIV相关的独立因素是就业(调整后的优势比[AOR] = 3.08; P = 0.02),GUD的病史(AOR = 1.86; P = 0.003)和梅毒(AOR = 2.09; P = 0.05)。结论:在印度性传播感染诊所就诊的男性中,同性和高风险的性行为普遍存在。尽管梅毒和GUD发病率下降,但十年来艾滋病毒的患病率仍然很高,突出了在印度包括MSM在内的所有男性中开展针对性工作以降低艾滋病毒风险的重要性。



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