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Faecal incontinence in the elderly : epidemiology and management.


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Faecal incontinence occurs in up to 10% of community dwelling persons >/=65 years of age and approximately 50% of nursing home residents. It is a vastly under-reported problem that has a devastating effect on those who experience it as well as their spouses and caregivers.There are three broad categories of faecal incontinence among the elderly: (i) overflow incontinence; (ii) reservoir incontinence; and (iii) rectosphincteric incontinence. The first two can be diagnosed based upon the patient's history and physical examination and the response to dietary and pharmacological interventions. The third is assessed by careful physical examination supplemented by diagnostic tests directed towards evaluation of anorectal continence mechanisms. The most important of these is anorectal manometry, which can be supplemented by studies of structure (anal ultrasonography or pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging) and neuromuscular function (electromyogram). A variety of therapeutic interventions are employed in patients with rectosphincteric incontinence; these include dietary, behavioural, pharmacological and surgical modalities chosen on the basis of the results of diagnostic testing. For isolated internal anal sphincter weakness, a cotton barrier in the anal canal is often effective. Acute sphincter injury is best treated with sphincteroplasty but, otherwise, surgical procedures are of uncertain benefit. Peripheral neurogenic incontinence may be treated with antidiarrhoeal agents, biofeedback techniques and dietary manipulations. Sacral spinal nerve stimulation is a promising new technique for selected patients with neurogenic faecal incontinence and is currently undergoing testing in the US and Europe. Significant improvement in quality of life can be achieved in most elderly persons with faecal incontinence.
机译:粪便失禁的发生率高达65%≥65岁的社区居民和大约50%的疗养院居民。这是一个被严重忽视的问题,对经历过的人以及他们的配偶和照顾者造成毁灭性的影响。老年人粪便失禁分为三大类:(i)溢尿失禁; (ii)水库失禁; (iii)直肠括约肌失禁。前两个可以根据患者的病史和体格检查以及对饮食和药理学干预的反应进行诊断。第三个是通过仔细的体格检查,辅以针对肛门直肠失禁机制评估的诊断测试进行评估。其中最重要的是肛门直肠测压,可以通过结构(肛门超声检查或骨盆底磁共振成像)和神经肌肉功能(肌电图)的研究来补充。直肠括约肌失禁患者可采用多种治疗措施。其中包括根据诊断测试结果选择的饮食,行为,药理和手术方式。对于孤立的肛门内括约肌无力,通常在肛管中使用棉花屏障是有效的。急性括约肌损伤最好用括约肌成形术治疗,但是手术方法的益处不确定。周围神经源性尿失禁可以用止泻药,生物反馈技术和饮食控制来治疗。 selected神经刺激对某些患有神经源性大便失禁的患者来说是一种很有前途的新技术,目前正在美国和欧洲进行测试。大多数患有大便失禁的老年人的生活质量可得到显着改善。



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