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Recreational drug use and T lymphocyte subpopulations in HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected men.


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The effects of recreational drugs on CD4 and CD8 T cells in humans are not well understood. We conducted a longitudinal analysis of men who have sex with men (MSM) enrolled in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) to define associations between self-reported use of marijuana, cocaine, poppers and amphetamines, and CD4 and CD8 T cell parameters in both HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected MSM. For the HIV-infected MSM, we used clinical and laboratory data collected semiannually before 1996 to avoid potential effects of antiretroviral treatment. A regression model that allowed random intercepts and slopes as well as autoregressive covariance structure for within subject errors was used. Potential confounders adjusted for included length of follow-up, demographics, tobacco smoking, alcohol use, risky sexual behaviors, history of sexually transmitted infections, and antiviral therapy. We found no clinically meaningful associations between use of marijuana, cocaine, poppers, or amphetamines and CD4 and CD8 T cell counts, percentages, or rates of change in either HIV-uninfected or -infected men. The regression coefficients were of minimum magnitude despite some reaching statistical significance. No threshold effect was detected for frequent (at least weekly) or continuous substance use in the previous year. These results indicate that use of these substances does not adversely affect the numbers and percentages of circulating CD4 or CD8 T cells in either HIV-uninfected or -infected MSM.
机译:消遣性药物对人类CD4和CD8 T细胞的影响尚不清楚。我们对参加多中心艾滋病队列研究(MACS)的男同性恋者(MSM)进行了纵向分析,以定义自我报告的大麻,可卡因,波普尔和苯丙胺的自我报告使用与CD4和CD8 T细胞参数之间的关联。 HIV感染者和HIV感染者MSM。对于感染了HIV的MSM,我们使用了1996年之前每半年收集的临床和实验室数据,以避免抗逆转录病毒治疗的潜在影响。使用的回归模型允许在对象误差内进行随机截距和斜率以及自回归协方差结构。对潜在的混杂因素进行了调整,包括随访时间,人口统计学,吸烟,饮酒,危险的性行为,性传播感染的历史以及抗病毒治疗。我们发现,在未感染HIV或已感染HIV的男性中,使用大麻,可卡因,波普尔或苯丙胺与CD4和CD8 T细胞计数,百分比或变化率之间没有临床意义的关联。尽管有些回归系数具有统计学意义,但其回归系数是最小的。在上一年中,没有发现频繁(至少每周一次)或连续使用毒品的阈值作用。这些结果表明,使用这些物质不会对未感染HIV的MSM或感染MSM的循环CD4或CD8 T细胞的数量和百分比产生不利影响。



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