首页> 外文期刊>Drugs: education, prevention, and policy >Continuing the Epidemiological Function of the Addicts Index-evidence from matching the Home Office Addicts Index with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System

Continuing the Epidemiological Function of the Addicts Index-evidence from matching the Home Office Addicts Index with the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System


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We discuss the Addicts Index (AI) and examine whether the epide-miological trends of the AI can be continued by the regional drug misuse databases (DMDs, now known as National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS). Methods: (i) Matching individuals recorded as addicted to opiates and/or cocaine in the AI with those reported to the North Thames Drug Misuse Database (NT-DMD) 1992-1996; (ii) comparison of trends over time. Findings: Of 26,120 notifications to the AI from North Thames 73 % were also reported to drug misuse database. There were no significant differences in the proportion of notifications reported over time or by sex. At least 80% of reports from specialist drug agencies were matched compared to approximately 60% of reports from GPs (x~2 p < 0.001). Compared to specialist drug agencies the adjusted odds ratio of being reported to NT-DMD was 0.45 (95% CI 0.40 to 0.49) for GPs. Nationally time trends in notifications to AI and reports to DMDs were highly correlated (Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.98). Conclusions: The epidemiological function of the AI can be continued. However, new strategies are urgently required to improve reporting from GPs.
机译:我们讨论了成瘾者指数(AI),并研究了区域药物滥用数据库(DMD,现在称为国家药物治疗监测系统(NDTMS))是否可以继续维持AI的流行病学趋势。与1992-1996年北泰晤士毒品滥用数据库(NT-DMD)报告的那些在AI中记录为对鸦片和/或可卡因上瘾的人;(ii)随时间变化趋势的比较结果:在来自North的26,120次通知中泰晤士河73%的药物滥用数据库中也有报告。随着时间的推移或按性别报告的通报比例没有显着差异。至少有80%的专业药物代理商的报告与之匹配,而全科医生的报告则约为60%( x〜2 p <0.001)。与专业药物代理商相比,全科医生到NT-DMD的调整后比值比是0.45(95%CI从0.40到0.49)在全国范围内,向AI通报和向DMD报告的时间趋势非常明显相关的(Pearso n相关系数为0.98)。结论:AI的流行病学功能可以继续。但是,迫切需要新的策略来改善GP的报告。



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