首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >Smoking behaviour among Indigenous secondary school students in North Queensland.

Smoking behaviour among Indigenous secondary school students in North Queensland.


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This study investigated smoking behaviour among Indigenous youth. A sample of schools (n = 12) in north Queensland with large proportions of Indigenous students was selected. Details about the prevalence of smoking behaviour in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students (n = 883) were gathered. Data were also collected on the cultural, social, and psychological factors associated with cigarette smoking for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. This survey indicated smoking rates for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students were 24% and 30%, respectively. The study found similarities between both groups regarding where they obtained their cigarettes (friends) and their reasons for not smoking (their parents and health). Results of this survey challenge the belief that Indigenous youth are significantly different in their smoking patterns and behaviours compared to non-Indigenous secondary school students in rural regions. It indicated the potential importance of school communities in promoting non-smoking behaviours among Indigenous students even in the face of strong normative pressures from elsewhere in the community. This survey can be used to monitor smoking prevalence among Indigenous secondary students in north Queensland, help guide the development of culturally appropriate school curriculum resources and contribute to the overall evaluation of smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs which are developed for Indigenous secondary school students.
机译:这项研究调查了土著年轻人中的吸烟行为。选择了昆士兰州北部有大量土著学生的学校(n = 12)。收集了有关土著和非土著学生(n = 883)学生吸烟行为流行的详细信息。还收集了有关与土著和非土著学生吸烟有关的文化,社会和心理因素的数据。这项调查表明,土著和非土著学生的吸烟率分别为24%和30%。这项研究发现,两组在吸烟地点(朋友)和不吸烟的原因(父母和健康状况)方面有相似之处。这项调查的结果挑战了这样一种信念,即与农村地区的非土著中学生相比,土著青年的吸烟方式和行为存在显着差异。它表明,即使面对社区其他地方的强大规范压力,学校社区在促进土著学生中的非吸烟行为方面也具有潜在的重要性。此项调查可用于监测昆士兰州北部土著中学学生的吸烟率,帮助指导适合当地文化的学校课程资源的开发,并有助于为土著中学学生制定的预防吸烟和戒烟计划的总体评估。



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