
Angiogenic gene therapy.


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Angiogenesis, which is defined as the outgrowth of nutritive vessels from locally preexisting ones, is primarily based on the outgrowth of locally present endothelial cells and implies a delicate balance where both stimulating and inhibitory factors can influence the outcome. The primary players starting the process are the vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs), which stimulate endothelial cell growth, although some other key factors such as fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), placental growth factors (PIGFs), platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) and angiopoietins must come into play for vessels to mature and not deteriorate. Two possibilities exist in terms of local delivery of the angiogenic proteins. One is the delivery of the protein in a slow-release formulation.Fibrin or alginate formulations have been implanted, sub-epicardially releasing FGF. Another approach to get a local delivery over a period of time is gene therapy by local delivery of the vector carrying the therapeutic gene or with the development of vectors that are taken up and expressed only in the organ of interest. A transient overexpression, desirable for the treatment of ischemic heart disease, can be achieved with adenoviral vectors or naked plasmid. With VEGF gene transfection, angiogenesis and reendothelialization were demonstrated in animal cardiac ischemia models showing proof of principle for cardiac therapy and paving the way for clinical trials. Currently, about 200 patients have been treated with intramyocardial VEGF gene therapy for peripheral occlusive artery disease or for myocardial ischemia. Reported adverse events have been few and no worsening of atherosclerosis following treatment has been observed.
机译:血管生成被定义为营养性血管从局部存在的血管中生长出来,主要基于局部存在的内皮细胞的生长,并暗示刺激和抑制因素均可影响结果的微妙平衡。启动该过程的主要参与者是刺激内皮细胞生长的血管内皮生长因子(VEGF),尽管其他一些关键因素,例如成纤维细胞生长因子(FGFs),胎盘生长因子(PIGFs),血小板衍生生长因子(PDGFs) )和血管生成素必须发挥作用,使血管成熟而不恶化。就血管生成蛋白的局部递送而言,存在两种可能性。一种是蛋白质以缓释制剂的形式递送。已植入纤维蛋白或藻酸盐制剂,在心外膜下释放FGF。获得一段时间内局部递送的另一种方法是通过携带治疗基因的载体的局部递送或随着仅在目标器官中摄取和表达的载体的发展而进行的基因治疗。腺病毒载体或裸质粒可实现治疗缺血性心脏病所需的短暂过表达。通过VEGF基因转染,在动物心脏缺血模型中证明了血管生成和血管内皮再生,证明了心脏治疗的原理性证据并为临床试验铺平了道路。目前,已经有约200名患者接受了心肌内VEGF基因治疗,以治疗周围闭塞性动脉疾病或心肌缺血。报道的不良事件很少,治疗后未见动脉粥样硬化恶化。



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